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How to Study for Your Computer Adaptive Test

If you're on your way to graduate school, you've Rosetta stone language
got a lot of organizing to do, and you're probably well under way a year ahead of time. You have applications to deal with, letters to obtain, paperwork to do - and then some tests to get ready for. For most U.S. graduate business schools you'll be facing the GMAT, while law schools require the LSAT. If you're headed to medical school you'll take the MCAT (or the OAT for optometry school, DAT for dental school, and PCAT for pharmacy school). For most other graduate studies, you'll probably take the GRE.Programs vary, however, and certain applications will require you to take additional examinations. Some business schools accept the GRE, while others want you tot take the MAT (Miller Analogies Test). Foreign students may be asked to take the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language). Make sure you know exactly what exams you will be facing. The one common factor among them, of course, is that they are all Computer Adaptive Tests (CATs).First things firstThe first thing you need to do is find out as much as you can about the test(s) you will be taking. Using the cream of 21st century technology - Google - study up on scoring, content, format and time constraints. Find out about the "set and setting," where the test will be given and under what conditions, and what you are permitted to bring to the test center.You can be pretty sure that all the tests will be computer-based or computer adaptive ones, so make sure you understand the difference. Other things you want to find out include content parameters, how wrong or unanswered questions are scored, what different sections contain and how many questions are in each, how much time is given and so on. Find out how admissions officers view the tests, and how the test results (supposedly) measure Rosetta Stone Arabic
your aptitude (claims versus facts).A "multi-track" planThere are innumerable "test prep" plans, Web sites, instructions books, videos and other "training" plans, from freebies to gold-plated. How you prepare is entirely your decision, but when you get down to the basic and irreducible facts, and pore through all the prep materials (or read an article, like this one, from those who have already done so), there are a few agreed-upon "musts" you will encounter. You must:- use a practice test, preferably supplied by the testing firm. This becomes your yardstick for measuring yourself and pinpointing the strong and weak points of your strategy and your knowledge.- take a balanced approach. Preparation should range from content study and overall strategy to individual question/section strategy and practice tests.- follow a preset plan with beginning, middle and end strategies and focuses.Start phase, mid-phase, end gameYour first preparation, your "start phase," should concentrate on content. Don't think about question strategy or do any practice tests. Build up your weak areas, polish your strong ones and don't cut corners - this takes time, so schedule it, and follow your schedule. As you move on, your mid-phase preparation will be balanced between content and question strategy, and a first practice test or two.It's the final and longest stage of preparation, famously Rosetta Stone Arabic Levev 1-3
called the "end game" in chess (and war, too), where you will increase the practice tests and do all the post-test analysis. You will be looking for content areas needing more work, problematic question forms, time management, approach to sections and so forth. Don't rush your analysis, or the time you take to study it, as you need to ensure you are learning from your mistakes.Solo, group, tutored?If you are a proven winner with standardized testing, you might do well as a "solo studier." If you are not quite that disciplined, you may need the structure and support of a class or group setting. It's always great to have an expert helping you out, but tutors cost money. You might consider, if you go the group route, of combining that approach with a "shared tutoring" arrangement - where you can share the cost, too.Finally, don't forget to use quality materials. The whole world of test prep awaits you on the Internet, and can be overwhelming, so start with the materials each test maker makes available. Get previously released tests, study-and-practice materials and anything else freely available at the test maker sites. Use your trusty search engine to supplement these documents, and don't forget to check the online forums where other test-takers go to whine, complain, help, rant, share, advise and commiserate. It's not easy, and there is no magic spell or New Age mantra that will take the place of preparation time well spent. Go spend it well!


How you can Write a Really Unhealthy Term Paper

How you can Write a Actually Dangerous Term Rosetta stone
PaperMember By doctorsoonbe, eHow Member That is the fruit of grading/tutoring college students on the faculty and graduate faculty level.Two phrases of introduction. First, thesis writing I actually have been guilty of a number of really unhealthy term papers. Second, because I already feel the offended emails from English Teachers, please keep in mind that that is satire. The goal, after all, is thesis paper to assist students write actually good term papers.Problem: StraightforwardDirections1.Step 1Do not comply with your assignment.Your professor likely gave you a chunk of paper with directions on it. Do not, below any circumstances, learn this assignment. You should have taken a deadly step toward writing an excellent paper.If you have learn your task, thesis help concern not, there's still hope. Just make sure to do exactly the opposite of what it says. If you're asked to jot down no extra that 5 pages, write 15. In case you are dissertations requested to put in writing no less than 5 pages, write 1.If the project asks you to make an argument, do your best not to take sides. If the task asks you not to insert opinion, by all means, be opinionated.2.Step 2For Research Papers...Initially, don't do any research. As an alternative, make up your own sources. Within the footnotes you need to use sources like:Footnote 1: My good friend Dave, from Rosetta Stone Spanish (Spain) Levev 1-5
French class.Footnote 2: A book I learn one time.Footnote 3: Self.Footnote 4: E!Information, "The dissertation writing Entertainment Channel," August, Last Year.In case you do cite a real e-book, be certain that to not seek the advice of Turabian's Fashion Information on footnotes. Instead, make up your own system of footnotes. One thing like,Indianapolis-Indiana; Henry Davis... 'The Rise of Communism' :1987, Barkley Books?3.Step 3USE ALL CAPS TO MAKE IMPORTANT POINTS.NOTHING GIVES YOUR PROFESSOR THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU ARE A SHOUTING MADMAN QUITE LIKE A PAPER OF INCESSANT ALL CAPS.Here is an example:Within the last 5 years research has proven that DIET IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EXERCISE IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT.4.Step 4Use exclamation points liberallyne exclamation level = stunning!Two exclamation factors = really, actually stunning!!Three exclamation factors = actually, actually, really stunning!!!The more exclamation factors the higher!!!!!! So, we will enhance the sentence above:Within the final 5 years research has proven that DIET IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EXERCISE IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!With all those caps, and all those exclamation points, your professor may actually move out from a way of the overwhelming, earth-shattering significance of what you have just said.5.Step 5Use the word 'like' as an adjective, noun, adverb, and participle.Just about, for those who like to need to fill like house, then Rosetta Stone Spanish
use a word like like.So, we will nonetheless improve the sentence above:In the final like 5 years research has proven that DIET IS LIKE WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN EXERCISE IF YOU LIKE WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!6.Step 6Don't organize your ideas.Soar from point to level in an aimless method as an alternative of moving logically from one subject to another. Higher but, after you write your paper, close your eyes, combine all of the pages up, after which staple them back together.7.Step 7Use incorrect punctuation.Keep away from intervals between sentences... instead... just use ellipsis!!!! Write a paper that has a number of dashes - as a result of dashes connect dissertation help issues - better than a interval, or semi-colon... in reality - why do you have to even use capital letters to begin sentences... who made up that rule???!!!8.Step eightInject slang every time possible.So, chill, ya know, it ain't no biggie, and then, man, cuz your havin to check grammar, and stuff. Whatever. LOL.9.Step 9And in conclusion... end your work with out a conclusion.The last paragraph should be dedicated to a completely new theme. Next, the objective is to finish your paper so abruptly that your professor by no means saw it coming. For good measure, your last sentence should read something like this:I know I have never actually talked about this, but I simply need to add that I disagree with those who assume food plan is extra necessary than exercise...It necessary to make use of ellipsis at the every end. It's going to leave your professor wanting under the desk for a lacking page.

Establish A No Putdown Rule" in Your Classroom

Mat and Rick walk into the classroom putting each other down jovially. Friends, they often banter with each other for fun. Today, however, Matt's teasing suddenly struck a tender chord with Rick. Rick flushed. Suddenly, they were pushing, shoving, and shouting angry rosetta stone version 3
words at teach other. The friendly teasing has escalated to trouble.Sarcasm and putdowns are at best a risky source of humor in the classroom. Even if it never turns to blows, it could unwittingly cause hurt feelings or confuse students who have difficulty reading and interpreting social cues. Given a teacher's inability to know how each student will react to sarcastic humor, a "no putdown" rule can save a lot of heartache and, at the same time, create the foundation for a caring inclusive classroom community.Why might some teachers or students resist this rule? Sarcasm and put-downs have become an acceptable form of entertainment and humor in our society. Because of this cultural acceptance people, young and old, rationalize that it is OK to denigrate another person in the name of 'teasing", good-fun, and humor. Unfortunately, this belief system causes problems:There are people, students included, who cannot read the difference between sarcastic humor and intentional meanness. Many learning disabled students are in this group.-Students learn best in a safe, non-threatening environment. How does the teacher draw the line between what is humor and what is bullying or mean? -I used to tell my students, "Even if someone laughs at your teasing, how do you really know what they are feeling? Would most students, especially male students Rosetta Stone Japanese
'show' their hurt?" I talked to a young woman with an eating disorder who shared with me "one line" someone said to her in the seventh grade that sent her into the spiral of the eating disorder. She could pinpoint the putdown to that moment in time. Also, remember the student shooter in San Diego? He laughed off the putdowns he had to endure. Then he showed up at school with a gun.-I ask, "How do we know that our words meant in fun are taken as they are meant?" Is it worth the risk?-What if we encouraged our students to share when words came across as putdowns even when the person using the putdown is the teacher? What kind of environment would that create in our classrooms?-Many adults who use sarcastic humor become very defensive when this rule is suggested. Why do you think that is? We need to ask ourselves, "What kind of room do I want to run? What kind of community do I want to create in my classroom? How do I achieve that?"-People who use sarcasm as humor are not bad people. Rather, they are conditioned by their upbringing or our media culture to enjoy it, accept it, and use it.-Awareness is Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish
the first step to change. What do you do when someone uses putdowns in the classroom-Immediately address it. Remind students of the rule and of the goal of having a "safe place" in your classroom.-If repeated, have a private conversation with the offender. When appropriate, require restitution. For example: Student must give the person two kind comments for each putdown.Enforce the classroom discipline policy.-If it's you, the teacher, admit your mistake, apologize and try harder next time. You are making progress and creating positive change.


That Might Interest Insurance Companies, Advertisers, Government

Then BMW came to him with a touchy problem involving Rosetta stone software
the voice in the company's 5 Series of cars: They had to have a product recall, because male German drivers wouldn't take directions from a female voice, because it was a 'woman.'Nass' eyes still light up with wonder at the thought of drivers reacting to a synthetic female voice as if it were a real person. The title of his latest book explains why humans react in this way: We are Wired for Speech.Our brains are so tuned for speech, he said while sipping a cup of English tea in his home on campus. A newborn, at one day old, can distinguish speech from other sounds such as a dog barking. At four days old, babies can distinguish their language from other languages. Even the hairs in the ear at first react differently to speech than other sounds.So when humans get behind the wheel and listen to the car talk, Our brains react to this voice as a person. We basically have no choice.The gender stereotypes that tripped up BMW also have come through loud and clear in Nass' experiments, to his dismay. Volunteers are more likely to perceive a male voice as authoritative, even when male and female voices speak exactly the same words.After deciding that the new voice in the BMW should not be the car itself (as in the TV series Knight Rider), Nass and his colleagues considered other candidates a golf buddy, a chauffeur, a pilot (dominant and not very friendly) and Rosetta Stone Indian Levev 1-3
a person riding shotgun (talkative, not very smart) before settling on a co-pilot, who could take over when the driver was in trouble but who understood that the driver (the pilot) was in charge. The chosen voice was male, somewhat friendly, and competent. He was a hit.Today, Nass is still researching car voices and is the director of the Communication Between Humans and Interactive Media Lab in the Department of Communication, and the associate director of CarLab.Some of his observations Depressed drivers drive better when their car speaks as if it, too, were feeling down. If you're in a really bad mood, do you want a bouncy person around? Programming cars to speak in complex sentences may improve safety by forcing drivers to pay attention instead of zoning out. Older drivers prefer younger voices after all, everyone knows that an older voice can't see as well as a younger voice. Drivers feel more engaged with the computer voice if they believe the computer is installed in their car, as opposed to a wireless connection to a distant computer. As a result, they disclose more information to the in-car computer and drive faster. If the onboard computer adjusts the handling of the car to improve your less-than-perfect driving technique, should the computer tell you or keep the secret to itself? (Nass is still researching this one.)While the talking car could turn out to be a major invader of your privacy, Nass says that it (or he or she) might just as well be a boon to safety. If the car can keep you alert and calm, warn you of troubles ahead Rosetta Stone Greek Levev 1-3
(There is a pedestrian in the middle of the road) and offer you timely advice about traffic and directions, wouldn't that be great?Insurance companies and car manufacturers would jump at the low-cost, high-impact safety improvements. Right now, affecting driving performance in cars is expensive, Nass said. You can imagine how much it costs for anti-lock brakes. But what if you could simply change the voice in the car? Well, that would make change extremely cheap and effective. So that's what we're looking at.


Antipsychotic Drug Controls Some Symptoms In Autism Disorder

The reviewers looked at three Rosetta stone
randomized, placebo-controlled studies of risperidone (Risperdal) involving 211 participants, including 31 adults. [We found] that risperidone may be beneficial for various aspects of autism including irritability, repetition and hyperactivity, said researchers led by Dr. Ora Jesner of the University of Bristol, in England. But the drug's benefits may be offset by its side effects, with weight gain the most prominent. Often diagnosed within the first three years of life, autism spectrum disorder leads to difficulties with social relationships, language and communication skills. Symptoms include withdrawal from social interactions, irritability, problems communicating and repetitive behaviors. It is known as a spectrum disorder because there is a wide variation in how it affects individuals. Figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that as many as 1.5 million Americans may have some Rosetta Stone Chinese
form of the disorder. Autism spectrum disorder affects many families worldwide, Jesner said. At present many of the interventions available are not evidence-based. He said he and co-author Dr. Mehrnoosh Aref-Adib wanted to analyze the evidence for one important antipsychotic [drug] used for the condition. The review appears in the latest issue of The Cochrane Library, a publication of The Cochrane Collaboration, an international organization that evaluates medical research. Systematic reviews draw evidence-based conclusions about medical practice after considering both the content and quality of existing medical trials on a topic.Because of the small number of studies, wide range of different scales used to assess outcomes and sizes of the trials themselves, the researchers were only able to look at how well the patients responded for the three specific symptoms of irritability, repetitive movement and social withdrawal. In addition to weight gain, significant side effects included involuntary muscle movements. As the studies were of short duration, long-term side effects and usefulness remain unknown. Since risperidone does not cure the disorder and may have to be continued for a long period of time, this is an important missing piece.Susan Levy, M.D., director of the Regional Autism Center at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, said that the authors' weak support for the medication in the conclusion surprised her.The researchers seemed to be lukewarm towards their positive findings, said Levy, who was not involved with the study. From my personal experience, this medication can be quite helpful for behavioral difficulties.The Cochrane reviewers and Levy stress that parents and caregivers should be careful about expecting too Rosetta Stone Chinese Levev 1-3
much from the medication when talking about this treatment with their doctors. Not all behavioral problems can be helped with risperidone and both side effects and improvements from the drug should be considered.As ASD is diagnosed at a young age and these short trials lack long-term data, parents or caregivers need to be aware it is not known how long the medication needs to be continued potentially for a lifetime, the researchers said. This is particularly important given the side effects.Levy termed risperidone a more serious medication that she would reserve for more serious difficulties.It needs to be stressed to the parents and others that this is not a cure for autism or for the core symptoms of ASD, Levy said. But it works well for some of the associated problems.Reference: Jesner OS, Aref-Adib M, Coren E. Risperidone for autism spectrum disorder (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 1. The Cochrane Collaboration is an international nonprofit, independent organization that produces and disseminates systematic reviews of health care interventions and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies of interventions.

Did Burst Of Gene Duplication Set Stage For Human Evolution?

Because of the architecture of the human Rosetta stone language
genome, genetic material is constantly being added and deleted in certain regions, says Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and University of Washington geneticist Evan Eichler, who led the project that uncovered the new findings. These are really like volcanoes in the genome, blowing out pieces of DNA.Eichler and his colleagues focused on the genomes of four different species: macaques, orangutans, chimpanzees, and humans. All are descended from a single ancestral species that lived about 25 million years ago. The line leading to macaques broke off first, so that macaques are the most distantly related to humans in evolutionary terms. Orangutans, chimpanzees, and humans share a common ancestor that lived 12-16 million years ago. Chimps and humans are descended from a common ancestral species that lived about 6 million years ago.By comparing the DNA sequences of the four species, Eichler and his colleagues identified gene duplications in the lineages leading to these species since they shared a common ancestor. They also were able to estimate when a duplication occurred from the number of species sharing that duplication. For example, a duplication observed in orangutan, chimpanzees, and humans but not in macaques must have occurred sometime after 25 million years ago but before the Rosetta Stone German Levev 1-5
orangutan lineage branched off.Eichler's research team found an especially high rate of duplications in the ancestral species leading to chimps and humans, even though other mutational processes, such as changes in single DNA letters, were slowing down during this period. There's a big burst of activity that happens where genomes are suddenly rearranged and changed, he says. Surprisingly, the rate of duplications slowed down again after the lineages leading to humans and to chimpanzees diverged. You might like to think that humans are special because we have more duplications than did earlier species, he says, but that's not the case.These duplications have created regions of our genomes that are especially prone to large-scale reorganizations. That architecture predisposes to recurrent deletions and duplications that are associated with autism and schizophrenia and with a whole host of other diseases, says Eichler.Yet these regions also exhibit’signs of being under positive selection, meaning that some of the rearrangements must have conferred advantages on the individuals who inherited them. Eichler thinks that uncharacterized genes or regulatory signals in the duplicated regions must have created some sort of reproductive edge. I believe that the negative selection of these duplications is being outweighed by the selective advantage of having these newly minted genes, but that's still unproven, he said.An important task for future studies is to identify the genes in these regions and analyze their functions, according to Eichler. Rosetta Stone Italian Levev 1-5
Geneticists have to figure out the genes in these regions and how variation leads to different aspects of the human condition such as disease. Then, they can pass that information on to neuroscientists and physiologist and biochemists who can work out what these proteins are and what they do, he says. There is the possibility that these genes might be important for language or for aspects of cognition, though much more work has to be done before we'll be able to say that for sure.


Health Information Not Communicated Well To Minority Populations, Researcher Finds

There is already a problem with low Rosetta stone
health literacy within the general population, said Diane Smith, assistant professor of occupational therapy and occupational science in the University of Missouri School of Health Professions. When looking at populations with disabilities or limited English proficiency, people need to be more conscious that these particular populations may have more difficulty understanding information, such as treatment options or medication instructions, from their physicians.In the two studies, researchers found that patients with disabilities or limited English proficiency (LEP) often perceived that their physicians did not listen to them, explain treatment options, treat them with respect, spend enough time with them, or involve them in the treatment decisions. In comparison to the general population, these concerns were much higher among these two groups. Among both groups, a lack of cultural understanding may contribute to poor patient-physician communication, Smith said.In the LEP population, researchers found, in addition to health literacy issues, those with limited English proficiency had a significantly reduced access to Rosetta Stone Spanish (Spain) Levev 1-5
healthcare. Few doctors have multi-lingual backgrounds -- especially in rural areas -- and it can be difficult to find a provider who can accommodate LEP patients. As a result, these patients make fewer doctor visits and receive less screenings and preventative care. LEP patients also may delay going to the doctor to avoid dealing with the frustrations of the language problems, Smith said.The researchers found that communication complications also can be a problem among those with disabilities. Individuals who rely on sign language may need an interpreter to communicate with their doctors; interpreters are not always accessible. Assumptions about the disabled community also may contribute to low health literacy.Even within the health environment, there is a tendency to assume that if there is a physical disability there is a cognitive one as well, Smith said.To try and manage the disparities, researchers suggest improving awareness of the problem among doctors. Organizations like Health Literacy Missouri and the University of Missouri Center for Health Policy host training sessions for physicians and other healthcare providers to help them understand health literacy and strategies to better communicate with their patients.Communicating with medical students is an important strategy identified in the study. Training students about health literacy issues may improve health literacy in the future. To help those with LEP, Smith encourages the use of telehealth communications -- a network that uses telecommunications technology to communicate health Rosetta Stone Spanish
information and services. Currently, the Missouri Telehealth Interpretation Project provides LEP patients access to interpreters that would otherwise not be available. University of Missouri Health Care provides patients and families spoken and sign-language interpreter services and written translation services for 55 languages.Health literacy is being addressed in the healthcare reform debates because it's a safety issue and it's a cost issue, Smith said. It costs a lot of money when people have to go back to the hospital because they aren't using their medications appropriately.The researchers used data from the 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey to conduct both studies. Further studies may look at other factors contributing to access to health care to help identify appropriate intervention strategies.If people don't understand instructions, they're not going to follow them, Smith said. All the best treatment plans in the world aren't going to help if patients don't understand what they are supposed to do.The study Health Care Disparities for Persons with Limited English Proficiency: Relationships from the 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey was accepted into the Journal of Healthcare Disparities Research and Practice and will be published later this year. The study, Disparities in patient-physician communication for persons with a disability from the 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, was published in Disability and Health Journal in 2009.


Discount Rosetta Stone Cadizcasa, well know estate agents feature in the Sunday Times

Cadizcasa the well known Costa de la Rosetta stone
Luz estate agent have featured in a Sunday Times article entitled No frills, but plenty of thrills and spills. The agency are becoming favourites for giving the inside story on what is happening on the Costa de la Luz. Lesley McEwan their MD said “We were approached by The Sunday Times to give an expert opinion on the effect low cost airlines have had on bringing people to the Costa de la Luz. There is little doubt that without the likes of Ryanair, the Costa de la Luz would have remained a relatively difficult place to get to and prevented many people from using it as a regular holiday destination. Many of our clients keep holiday homes here and basically use the cheap airlines like a bus to commute backwards and forwards Rosetta Stone Spanish (Spain) Levev 1-5
for short breaks. There is little doubt in my mind that the cheaper airfares have opened this area up to visitors and given people the opportunity to see one of the most stunning areas of Spain. Not only does the Costa de la Luz have a beautiful coastline, we have the wonderful cities of Cadiz and Jerez and fabulous pueblos blancos such as Vejer de la Frontera and Medina Sidonia to offer. I believe that we really do have something for everyone here and we offer a lot of information about this area on our website www.cadizcasa.com ”.Lesley went on to say “we are regularly contacted by the press for various information on the Costa de la Luz and we are delighted to assist them. Spreading the word about this beautiful coast is Rosetta Stone Spanish
very important and we welcome the visitors who come to this area every year”.For further information please contactLesley McEwaninfo@cadizcasa.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it0034


Discount Rosetta Stone Forged roll for rolling a seamless steel pipe

The present invention relates to a rolling roll for Rosetta stone language
manufacturing seamless steel pipe, and a method for making the roll. More specifically, the present invention relates to technology, in manufacturing seamless steel pipe by means of the Mannesmann system, for improving wear resistance of a roll used in a rolling mill, and its heat crack resistance, biting properties, preventing surface roughness and the like, all by combining special ingredients of the roll and the metallurgical structure of the roll.In manufacturing seamless steel pipe by the use of the Mannesmann system, the biting property of the roll upon the pipe is an essential factor in order to achieve advantageous rotary forging. But it is not enough simply to apply a little soft material to the roll to be used to improve its biting upon the steel pipe, because of the resulting loss of wear resistance.To reduce the manufacturing cost of the seamless steel pipe, it is very important to extend the working lives of rolls needed to be used. Furthermore, if a stainless type steel pipe is manufactured with a roll that has poor wear resistance, it is difficult to ensure the surface quality of the inner and outer surfaces of the steel pipe. Accordingly, a roll having a so-called Adamite type material has been manufactured by centrifugal casting. However, notwithstanding its wear resistance, the roll is ineffective on seamless steel pipe because the problem of its biting property remains.Referring to FIG. Rosetta Stone Arabic
4 of the drawings, a piercer roll 1 is so arranged that the roll is inclined at a stand. The piercer roll 1 is different from a normal roll and comprises three portions: (a) an introducing portion (entrance) 2 for the material 5 to be rolled, (b) a contributing portion 3 to the rolling and (c) a delivery portion 4 of the material 5.Since respective portions of the rolls have different functions, the characteristic necessary for the roll material is that each portion of the same roll shall differ from the others. That is, at the entrance 2 for the material 5 to be rolled, the biting property of the roll upon the material to be rolled is important. On the surface of the entrance 2, some surface roughness must be maintained to provide friction. In addition, at the contributing portion 3 at a center portion of the roll, the roll material needs wear resistance and needs to prevent excessive surface roughness. At the delivery portion 4, the material 5 to be rolled must be stably held by the roll; accordingly, some surface roughness and wear resistance are required there. It is difficult for any current technique to satisfy such a difficult combination of requirements.Moreover, in such a piercer roll 1 significant work hardness develops near the entrance 2, and considerable friction arises at the roll center portion 3, and these influences must be overcome. To improve wear resistance, at least a portion of the roll material must have a high carbon content (for example, 1.9 wt %). While the surface roughness of the roll surface is thereby temporarily improved, another problem arises. During working, poor biting due to work hardness at the entrance 2 causes slippage of the material 5 to be rolled. This results in seizing and damage. More specifically, in case of excessively poor biting, the material 5 to be rolled cannot be bitten, sometimes entirely preventing rolling. When Rosetta Stone Arabic Levev 1-3
the roll is made of a tool steel material which has a lower carbon content than the roll material, such as 1 wt %, which has a relatively high hardness, excellent wear resistance is obtained, and biting effectiveness is also maintained at the entrance side portion 2. However, this causes deep heat cracking to occur at the contributing portion 3, which causes the roll surface portion to break off.Japanese Patent Publication No. 44-17022/1969 and Japanese Patent Publication No. 48-7180/1973 are of interest. They provide a method for preventing heat cracking and break-off of the roll surface wherein, in manufacturing the roll, roll toughness is far advanced by hot-forging the roll after forging. However, the rolls manufactured by this technique have high surface hardness but poor biting properties.It is accordingly an object of the present invention to provide a forged roll for rolling a seamless steel pipe, which combines two inconsistent characteristics that heretofore seemed to be unrealizable in the same roll, to provide both excellent biting properties and excellent wear resistance. Another object is to provide a novel manufacturing method for the roll.

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