
Discount Rosetta Stone Annuity Rates for 65 Year Olds Looking for Income in Retirement

Are annuity rates found online worthy Cheap Rosetta Stone
of my time and effort? Short answer…Is no. If you do a Google search for the word “annuity rates” many companies will come-up in search, and all these companies are pitching immediate annuities, which are “wishy-washy” at best.All of these companies show a very limited contractual relationship with annuity companies. If you look at the bottom of their screen you will see the corporate symbols for the insurance companies they represent (contractually). You will see maybe seven annuity companies out 198 companies that sell annuities. The companies shown on their websites are not even in the top ten financial strong annuity companies.By the very nature of their web design, they focus on giving quotes on immediate annuities. These products only give 65 basis points internal rate of return (that’s less than 1%)! In addition, these products have serious design flaws, which can not only reduce income throughout retirement, Buy Cheap Rosetta Stone German
but cause serious contractual problems, if the investor has a short life.Let me explain, so you understand these points in greater detail. Let’s say, you choose to receive a check for your life (called life annuitization). You invest $100,000. Your age is 65. Your theoretical life span is 22-years (to age 87). Your monthly payout is $350 per month. $350 x 12-months x 22-years = $92,400. That’s less than your original investment principal of $100,000!Most of the immediate annuities sold by independent insurance agents are from insurance companies who have financials that are downright, weak. My Grandmother was sold an immediate annuity and ten years later the insurance company went under and the company assets were sold at 25 cents on the dollar, and my Grandmothers income from her guaranteed immediate annuity dropped by 25%. I cannot stress the importance of evaluating the true financial strength of the insurance company, because Cheap Rosetta Stone French
the agent is only going to give you biased rating report—which is worthless!So, when it comes to annuity rates for immediate annuities, I would be very careful. But, that is not the important issue to address. If you annuitize your assets at today’s payouts, but the price of food, gas and everything goes up in price over the next two decades, your payout from the immediate annuity will not increase or keep up with actual inflation in real terms. You need to solve for maximum lifetime income, yet make certain you recover your original investment principal, so you never run out of money in retirement—not look for the highest annuity rates.

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