
Prince Unveils Plan to Release Three LPs Via Lotusflow3r Website at Private Gig

The e-mail invitation was vague but intriguing: spend Saturday night at Princes mansion in Rosetta Stone Outlet Beverly Hills for "a journey through the galaxy" and a live performance by the man himself.As the first to arrive, Im greeted by Scott Addison Clay, the bearded young developer behind Princes new Website, lotusflow3r. He wears a tweed jacket and sits behind a widescreen computer monitor to show off a bit of the new site, launched just minutes earlier. Leaning against a nearby couch is a sparkling metal cane, with Princes "love symbol" etched into the handle.Clay notes that 10 years before, Prince helped revolutionize the relationship between music and the Internet by being the first major artist to debut music exclusively on the Web. And lotusflow3r is where Prince will release three new albums in 2009, including MPLSound, Lotus Flow3r and the unveiling of his newest female protg Bria Valente.Then there is a Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 voice behind us: "Can I use my computer?" Its Prince, smiling in a blue shirt decorated with a stylized drawing of his own image, and shoes with heels that blink colored lights. "Its OK, I just want to check my e-mail."This is his home office, just one corner on a large estate in the exclusive gated community of Beverly Park, in the hills above Los Angeles. In another room is a space-age grand piano with liquid curves and framed snapshots of Chris Rock, Spike Lee, Quincy Jones and other friends. Outside on a pedestal amid the reflecting pools, recording studio and a beach volleyball court is a metal sculpture of his symbol. This is could only be one mans house.Downstairs in the home theater, Clay gives a deeper glimpse of whats coming on the site, set to slowly unfold in coming months. For now, it is limited to a home page Rosetta Stone Greek with a barren cliff beneath a night sky and three new songs: "Another Boy," "Colonized Mind" and "Discojellyfish," which flow from a boombox that glows purple. Fans will eventually be asked to pay a subscription fee to open up other areas of the site, with music, lyrics, animation, photographs and video (including Princes cover of Radioheads "Creep" at Coachella last year).Guests are led down the hall, past the pool table and a pair of motorcycles that look like they just rolled off the cover of Purple Rain, toward the sound of a band tuning up in a small room. Its a crowd of barely 30 people: three invited fans, a few journalists, soul singer Anita Baker, DJ Kat Corbett from KROQ-FM and Miss Valente, tall and elegant in a low-cut dress.Prince is in the corner with a guitar and the first song is a shimmering cover Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 of the Cars "Lets Go," followed by "CrimsonClover" (by Tommy James and the Shondells), before erupting into the Troggs "Wild Thing" as Prince raises his guitar, singing like Hendrix himself: "Baby, I think I love you . . . sock it to me!

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