
They are seen as increasingly valuable

A lot of things have to go right for those sorts of attacksto work," a former Rosetta Stone Language Western intelligence official PLEX RAIDS MAY BE RISKY, BUT DON'T THEY OFFER BIG REWARDS? Undoubtedly. Al Qaeda needs to provoke and sustain conflictbetween Muslims and non-Muslims to stay relevant, argues Exclusive Analysis, and one way to do this is throughhigh-casualty attacks on Western targets. Such attacks provoke hostility towards Muslims that helpsustain the al Qaeda narrative that Muslims are under attack andmust retaliate violently. But other tactics are possible.ARE SIMPLE ATTACKS EMERGING AS A FAVOURED AL QAEDA TACTIC? They are seen as increasingly valuable. Middle-rankingEnglish-speaking al Qaeda figures such as Adam Gadahn andYemeni-based preacher Anwar al-Awlaki have called for simple,do-it-yourself attacks by lone novices. A prominent example if the Nov. 2009 Fort Hood shootings byMajor Nidal Malik Hassan that killed 13 people at the U.S. armybase. As a result, experts expect more plots by small,amateurish cells with little or no al Qaeda links. These groups are easily detected when Rosetta Stone English they fumble thespecialist tasks attacks require -- intelligence gathering,surveillance, planning, logistics and operations. But they couldeasily handle simple attacks such as stabbing a policeman.ARE SOME WESTERN CONVERTS TO ISLAM DRAWN TO EXTREMISM? In tiny numbers, yes. Al Qaeda's allies are increasinglymulti-ethnic, including a growing number of Americans.Hoffman said that in 2010 there were a record total of 11jihadist attacks, jihadist-inspired plots, or efforts byAmericans to travel overseas to obtain militant training. At least 43 U.S. citizens or residents aligned with Sunnimilitant groups or their ideology were charged or convicted ofterrorism crimes in the United States or elsewhere, the highestnumber in any year since 9/11, Hoffman writes.The Internet is al Qaeda's "ultimate safe haven", accordingto propaganda expert Jarret Brachman, writing in Foreign Policy. "Cybersupporters" use the Web not only to recruit andcoordinate, but also to produce sophisticated propaganda Rosetta Stone Korean, oftendownloading and re-editing Western media footage.

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