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Bernanke blames regulatory failure for crisis

REGULATORY failure, not low interest rates, was responsible for the housing bubble and subsequent financial crisis of the past decade, US Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke said yesterday. Dr Bernanke's remarks, perhaps his strongest language yet on the roots of the financial crisis, came as he awaited both confirmation for a second term as Fed chairman and greater regulatory authority from Congress. ''Stronger regulation and supervision aimed at problems with underwriting practices and lenders' risk management would have been a more effective and surgical approach to constraining the housing bubble than a general increase in interest rates,'' Dr Bernanke told the American Economic Association. Advertisement: Story continues below Dr Bernanke, responding to accusations that the Fed contributed to the financial crisis, argued that the interest rates set by the central bank from 2002-06 were appropriately low. He was a member of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve system for most of that period. ''When historical relationships are taken into account, it is difficult to ascribe the house price bubble either to monetary policy or to the broader Rosetta Stone macro-economic environment,'' Dr Bernanke said. Some economists have argued that the Fed kept interest rates too low after the 2001 recession, making loans cheap and fuelling reckless lending by banks. The Senate Banking Committee approved Dr Bernanke's renomination last month. He is expected to be reconfirmed by the full Senate before his current term expires on January 31, despite some vocal opposition. Dr Bernanke has been pushing for Congress to grant the Fed greater oversight powers over the financial system, including the authority to monitor and regulate against ''systemic risk''. He has argued that the Fed lacked the authority to constrain the housing bubble through regulatory power. Yesterday he echoed previous calls for Congress to grant the Fed greater oversight over the financial system. Dr Bernanke has pointed to the Fed's extraordinary efforts to stem the crisis, including the creation of new lending vehicles to banks and a reduction of bank-to-bank interest rates to virtually zero, as evidence that the Fed has a firm grasp of what the economy needs. Economists have widely praised the Fed's handling of the crisis.


Sony chief haunted by dark shadow

Chairman, chief executive and president for Sony Corporation of America Howard Stringer. Photo: Reuters In the autumn of his career, Sony's British-born chief executive is beset by rivals and crises Later this year, an army of men in tights will take on the forces of darkness across the world's cinemas screens. And Sir Howard Stringer, Welsh-born boss of media and electronics giant Sony, could really do with the services of a superhero. Beset by a global hacking catastrophe unleashed by unknown forces, he should be calling for the services of Spider-Man, a hero who has pulled Sony out of trouble before. Instead, he's left pinning his hopes on the Smurfs. Hollywood is gearing up for a clash of the titans at the box office. Thor has just opened; X-Men: First Class, Green Lantern and Captain America will follow. But the next film in Sony's Spider-Man franchise won't be out until 2012; instead, Sony will enter the fray this year with a 3D cartoon based on a team of diminutive blue-skinned adventurers from 1980s TV. Hollywood-watchers are expecting it to bomb. But even if it does, it will be the least of the 69-year-old's problems. Advertisement: Story continues below Hackers have accessed an estimated 100 million accounts on the Sony's online gaming networks. It's one of the worst internet break-ins of all time - analysts say it could cost Sony up to $US24b - and comes as Sony has striven to put its PlayStation games console at the centre of plans for a digital future. The villains, according to Sony, left a taunting message: "We are legion" - a line used by the loose affiliation of hackers known as Anonymous. But Anonymous claims it is being framed: the collective targeted Sony after it started legal action against ace hacker George Hotz, but it has never been associated with credit card theft. Sony trotted out Kazuo Hirai, Stringer's heir apparent, to deliver Sony's official mea culpa. "We apologise deeply for causing great unease and trouble to our users," he told a press conference, bowing in shame. Then yesterday on 6 May, in a Rosetta Stone Spanish (Spain) blogpost, Stringer himself finally apologised for the "inconvenience and concern" caused by the breach. The Sony boss also acknowledged criticism that the company had been slow in alerting its customers to the hack attack; a full week elapsed between Sony uncovering unusual activity in its systems and notifying users. Stringer said: "I wish we could have gotten the answers we needed sooner, but forensic analysis is a complex, time-consuming process. Hackers, after all, do their best to cover their tracks." It is six years since Stringer became Sony's first non-Japanese chief executive. The curly-haired Welshman doesn't speak the language - he argues that it's too hard to learn at his age - and took over a high-profile job in a country whose corporate culture is sometimes accused of being xenophobic. But he was the first choice of Nobuyuki Idei, then Sony's chairman, who had shaken up the Japanese giant and was determined to bring in more outsiders. The appointment was the highlight of a remarkable career. Stringer was born in Cardiff, Wales, his father a sergeant in the RAF (British air force), his mother a schoolteacher. The family moved to Aylesbury, north of London when he was a small boy and he won a scholarship to private school before studying modern history at Oxford University. His studies confirmed him as a lifelong liberal and in 1965 Stringer moved to New York, inspired by stories of the civil rights movement and John F Kennedy. He had just cashed his second paycheck as a clerk at CBS Radio when he was drafted to Vietnam. Instead of catching a plane back to Britain, he went to war, spending two years in the army and being decorated for valour. After Vietnam he returned to CBS, rising through the ranks to become president and winning nine Emmys, including one for The CIA's Secret Army, an expose of the US's undercover war against Cuba's Fidel Castro after the Bay of Pigs. Stringer's mix of charm and hard work made him one of the hottest media executives in the US. Idei picked Stringer for Sony in 1997 after the latter had left CBS for a brief stint at the head of an ill-fated venture called Tele-TV.


Discount pricing will be available for qualified organizations

Intertainment Media Inc. ("Intertainment" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: INT)(OTCBB: ITMTF)(FRANKFURT: I4T) announces that its social media, real time, language translation platform, has entered into an agreement to establish a 50/50 joint venture with Toronto-based, English language learning specialists, Lingo Media Corporation (TSX VENTURE: LM)(OTCBB: LMDCF) ("Lingo Media") to launch the Ortsbo Learning Center, powered by Lingo Media. The Highly Experiential Language Learning Platform (HELLP) will provide users with the ability to learn, initially English, through micro-payment and course tuition-based online interactive language learning.With over 8.6 Million unique monthly users of Ortsbo and over 10 Million minutes of weekly user engagement, the Ortsbo Learning Center, powered by Lingo Media will form part of and provide language training solutions for users. According to the British Council's commissioned study, English Next, the massive increase in the number of people learning English is likely to reach a peak of around 2 billion in the next 5-10 years, with a significant increase coming from Chinese students, estimated now at 250 million English learners and increasing about 20 million per year. The services offered by the Ortsbo Learning Center will consist of online individual and modular units that will initially teach English to a wide range of consumers, professionals and corporate clients. Users will be introduced to a series of free introductory lessons and will be able to purchase additional lessons on a micro-payment basis, or full courses through Rosetta Stone Japanese a tuition- based business model. Large corporate seat programs will also be available. Individual lessons will range in price from as little as US$0.25 per lesson, up to US$50.00 per module and up to US$150.00 for full courses. Market prices will vary on a regional basis. Discount pricing will be available for qualified organizations and commercial enterprises. "Ortsbo provides a natural environment for language-based training and services. With over 8.6 Million active monthly unique users and growing, with China being the largest user group, followed by Brazil, there are natural synergies with Lingo Media," said David Lucatch, President of Ortsbo Inc. / CEO Intertainment Media Inc. "The Ortsbo Learning Center featuring HELLP is a revolutionary shift in language learning, making it fun for people of all ages to become proficient in English and other languages." Lingo Media's ELL Technologies' products, content and learning modules are mapped to the world's leading language learning standard exams including Education Testing Service's TOEFL and TOEIC; the Council of Europe; University of Cambridge, British Council and IDP Education IELTS; and the University of Cambridge's UCLES / Cambridge Assessment, Europe's largest assessment agency. "Providing language learning services to major organizations and enterprises including the Shanghai World Expo 2010, Southern China Airlines, Mercedes SMART and major universities internationally, Lingo Media and its divisions distribute its language learning products in 25 countries," said Michael Kraft, President & CEO of Lingo Media. "Our agreement with Ortsbo for the launch of the Ortsbo Learning Center allows us to leverage the dynamic growth of Ortsbo's social media and upcoming email translation platforms and provide users with the opportunity to increase their language proficiencies."


Egypt Live Report

Lebanon's Hezbollah also used the word, though adding crucially that it was a "historic victory", as car horns blared and fireworks exploded in Beirut. Advertisement: Story continues below 1727 GMT: Turkey's foreign minister has congratulated the Egyptian people on toppling Mubarak and said he hoped a new system would emerge in the wake of the veteran president's departure. "Congratulations to the Egyptian people. And we hope that a system meeting the expectations of the Egyptian people will emerge," Ahmet Davutoglu said in a message on his Twitter page. 1720 GMT: Cyberactivist Wael Ghonim has tweeted "congratulations to Egypt, the criminal has left the palace" in Arabic. "Welcome back Egypt," he added in English on his Twitter page, as celebrations continued in cities around Egypt. Ghonim, 30, a Google regional marketing executive, emerged as a spokesman of the uprising after his release on Monday following 12 days in custody. 1714 GMT: In Amman, Jordan's powerful Muslim Brotherhood said Mubarak's decision should be a "lesson" to all Arab regimes. "Arab regimes should learn a lesson from what happened. All Arab peoples suffer from the corruption of their regimes," Jamil Abu Baker, the movement's spokesman, told. 1710 GMT: In Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed Mubarak's decision to resign as a "historic change". We can expect a lot of these sorts of rather guarded comments from Mubarak's former western allies. 1707 GMT: "As Mubarak decided to step down, geopolitical concerns eased and (New York) crude oil prices retreated toward $86," said Sucden analyst Myrto Sokou. "The potential shutdown in the operations at the Suez Canal looks very unlikely for the near-term Rosetta Stone Language ." 1704 GMT: World oil prices slide and European stock markets bounce following news of Mubarak's resignation. Brent North Sea crude for delivery in March sank to $100.43 per barrel, before pulling back to $100.75, down 12 cents from yesterday closing level. 1703 GMT: Iran says Egyptians have achieved a "great victory" with the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. 1700 GMT: Palestinian faction Hamas hails Mubarak's resignation as "the start of the Egyptian revolution" as scenes of jubilation erupted across the Gaza Strip enclave, squeezed between Israel. and Egypt. 1654 GMT: Outside Mubarak's fortified presidential compound, Lubna Darwish weeps. "I'm crying because I'm happy," the 24-year-old tells. "I'm happy, but we have much more to do. The people need to control this. We love the army, but the people made this revolution and they should control it." Mohammed Gouda, an 18-year-old student, echos her concern. "We don't want another 1952. That was a coup, not a revolution. Has Mubarak resigned or has the army taken over? The youth should remain alert," he said, referring to Egypt's last military takeover. 1652 GMT: "Congratulations to Egypt, criminal has left the palace:" Wael Ghonim tweet 1646 GMT: Wall Street investment bank Brown Brothers Harriman says: "We think having the military take over was the best solution in ending the deadlock between the protesters and Mubarak." However, the bank warns in a comment: "there are still more questions than answers with regards to Egypt?s ultimate fate and so investors must be prepared for ongoing volatility." 1642 GMT: Jubilation erupts in Gaza Strip, the Palestinian enclave hemmed in between Israel and Egypt. 1640 GMT: Israel hopes the transition of power in Egypt after the departure of Mubarak will be conducted "smoothly," a government official tells. 1638 GMT: Tunisians dance in the street and blare their horns in celebration at the toppling of Mubarak today, only four weeks after their own long-time ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted. 1635 GMT: European Union foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton welcomes Mubarak's decision to stand down, saying he has "listened to the voices of the Egyptian people" and opened the way to reform. By departing Mubarak has "opened the way to faster and deeper reforms".

Looks great, moves like a steam roller with a flat tyre

While in Paris with his wife-to-be (Rachel McAdams) he finds he can time travel back to the 1920s and mix with artistic greats such as Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Picasso and Salvador Dali. He, of course, falls for his guide (Marion Cotillard) and starts to doubt his happiness with his present-day betrothed. It passable Woody waffle designed strictly for fans; the great cast, which also includes Michael Sheen, Kathy Bates and Adrien Brody, shine in their too-small roles, with Wilson working his amiable persona for all it worth. A nice time-killer, but far from Woody Allen A-list films, such as Match Point (2005), Bullets Over Broadway (1994) and Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008). Select. MONEYBALL (133 min) MThe key reason American cinema rules when it comes to sport movies is because they often have less to do with sport and more to do with rich metaphors about life, society, religion and all-consuming passion. The superb, sedate, Oscar-bound Moneyball is merely the latest example, offering a prime cut of fact-based sports drama about a struggling baseball team that creates a hot new line up by using bold statistical analysis. In one of his best performances to date, Brad Pitt plays Billy Beane, the manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team who up-ends the organisation's modus operandi by poaching Peter Brand (Jonah Hill, in a career highlight) a pudgy number cruncher. He explains the formula that will allow Beane to buy under-valued players at bargain prices. This, of course, means letting go of existing members, a task Brand is forced to learn as part of his initiation into the brutal baseball world where trades and wins count more than loyalty. What makes this downbeat, beautifully shot drama so immersive is how the movie's universe is defined almost totally in baseball terms, where the Rosetta Stone Hindigame means everything. Based on the best-seller Michael Lewis and directed by Bennett Miller (Capote), the screenplay is by Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network; The West Wing) and Steve Zaillian (Schindler's List; American Gangster). The painterly cinematography by Wally Pfister (Inception; The Dark Knight) uses the natural lighting techniques pioneered by Gordon Willis (The Godfather), making each frame glow. General.MONTE CARLO (109 min) PG Selina Gomez is the star of this film. If that fact alone does not instantly fill your soul with boundless joy then youre clearly not the key demo for this pleasantly forgettable tween-geared, assumed-identity romantic comedy romp. The baby-faced Gomez (best-known for the TV show The Wizards of Waverly Place and as BFF of Camp Rock Demi Lovato) plays Grace, a disgruntled kid from a dysfunctional blended family who goes on a European jaunt with two companions (Nightmare on Elm Street Katie Cassidy; Gossip Girl Leighton Meester). Grace switches places with spoilt rich British aristocrat Cordelia Winthrop Scott (also played by Gomez, and the most interesting thing in the film) and pretends to be her so they can trek to Monte Carlo - shot in tourist-boosting splendour - and live it up. They each become entangled with guys, including an Australian backpacker, while grappling with their consciences and the inevitability of being found out. The girls are bubbly, attractive and bring a pleasing comic daffiness to their turns. Harmless tween multiplex mulch for 14 year olds. General.NORWEGIAN WOOD1/2 (133 min) Endless, punishingly dull tale of love, loss, regret and suicide. Vietnamese director Anh Hung Tran (the brilliant Cyclo; the lyrical The Scent of Green Papaya) appears to have made a film specifically for the lovers of the Haruki Murakami novel on which the film is based.


World on a plate

Photo: Jennifer Soo Blame the burek for what follows. The finely layered, stretchypastry pie filled with cheese and spinach is a favourite snack andTasic Hot Burek at Fairfield is a fine exponent of this Balkandelicacy. So one Saturday, we drove out to breakfast on burek andbuttermilk. We feasted and then, literally following our noses,spent the day discovering the culinary delights of downtownFairfield. Cabramatta is predominantly Vietnamese, Eastwood is stronglyKorean and Chinese but this suburb is a fusion recipe. Advertisement: Story continues below In just a few blocks of Fairfield town centre, you can eat yourway around the world. A Latino band plays to a happy audience ofSouth Americans lunching on asado or grilled meat at Martinez BrosDeli Cafe. Iraqis sip and snack at Sunshine Coffee and Sweets. The blokes at the Afghan Arab Bakery flatten bread withtheir knuckles and a warm, yeasty aroma wafts out of the ovens. AtBM Express, stock up on flour stick and coconut vinegar for yourFilipino dishes. Food is an essential part of migrant culture, a way ofestablishing an identity in a new country. For a migrant, the connection with the national cuisine iscrucial to feeling at home in your adopted land so opening a placewhere you can buy the ingredients is an obvious step. Not only does Fairfield boast the third highest number ofresidents born overseas in Australia, the community can traceorigins to 130 nationalities speaking 70 languages. In fact, thearea has the highest number and proportion of people (66 per cent)who speak a language other than English. The state Labor MP for Smithfield, Ninos Khoshaba, is the son ofAssyrian migrants and his father was a three-time mayor ofFairfield. "Being Assyrian is a nationality and our background isfrom an ancient community," he says. "This year we Rosetta Stone German celebrated theyear 6757." Fairfield is an Assyrian stronghold - churches, sporting clubs,cultural associations and health groups congregate here - but it'salso a beacon for other ethnic communities, from Afghanistan toUruguay. Start your self-guided food tour at Carramar on theHorsley Drive before heading into central Fairfield. You can beginat The Crescent near the railway station and work towards NelsonStreet or do your tour the other way around. Afghan Arab Bakery213 Nelson Street, 9728 Who knew you could do so much with flour, water and salt? HabibBayani, a fourth-generation baker from Kabul, makes Persian,Afghan, Turkish and Iraqi flatbreads in his specially built clayoven, all with a different taste and texture. Ambassador Coffee21 Ware Street, 9726 8101 Every day Greg Potter fires up his 15kg roaster and weeklyroasts about 300kg of different types of green beans fromEthiopian Harar to Minas Santos, the favourite among his largeclientele from the former Yugoslavia. You can also pick upbiscuits, nuts, prunes, sweets, dry beans, pudding mixes andseasonings with your espresso. Al Jamil Market25 The Crescent, 9755 9980 Jamil and Nasrin Ayoub are Christian Assyrians from Iraq. Theirloyal customers come for yoghurt in 2kg tubs, fresh Bam dates,homemade jajeek (dried cheese with garlic and dill), and themust-have turshi or mixed pickled vegetables. The Art of Gelato Michelangelo7 Alan Street, 9755 7899 Martino Piccolo is descended from a Calabrian gelato maker andhas won awards, including the champion gelato at the RoyalAgricultural Society's Dairy Produce Awards for his yoghurt gelatowith forest berry. Check his other winners: tiramisu, biscottinoand vanilla bean. BM Express45 The Crescent, 9726 1885 This little outpost of the Philippines is owned by the the Taglefamily. It is a haven for those homesick for the taste of porkbarbecue, tortong talong (eggplant dipped in egg and fried),milkfish, menudo (pork stew with potato and carrots) and youngjackfruit with coconut cream. You can eat in or buy everything youneed to cook a Filipino meal.


Strong leadership group takes heat off captain

Photo: Paul Rovere AS A leader of a football team as a leader in any groupfor that matter you are always learning and always beingchallenged. The best advice I received after being given thecaptaincy at Essendon for season 06 was from Adam Simpson, thenKangaroos captain, while sitting on a boat on the Yarra Riverbefore the annual AFL captains' day photoshoot. Adam effectively said to me that we had been given our rolesbased on our football ability and character, so nothing shouldchange in terms of the way we prepared and went about our football.Good advice and he was right, but my first season was stilldaunting. You are the face of your club. Your behaviours are seenas reflective of the group. Pressure comes with that. Being put into the role doesn't mean you won't make mistakes right now nobody would know that better than Adam givenrecent events but ultimately you need to be who you are andconsistently be true to the values you hold most important. You dogrow in the role, particularly as you become more confident in yourability to take people with you. By the word's very definition, youaren't leading if people aren't following and the biggest challengeis in taking the team perspective previously, you can focuscompletely on your role and doing your job. Advertisement: Story continues below I was very insular earlier in my career. If I'd had a bad firsthalf of football, I would go and hide in a toilet cubicle athalf-time for the five minutes that players had to themselves.While James Hird was barking instructions at the team, I wasanguishing over my performance, wondering Rosetta Stone what had to happen toturn it around. Conversely, if I had kicked five goals, I wouldwalk off the ground pleased that the job had been done. The resultwas secondary in some ways. Two weeks ago, I went goalless for the second week running, butwe beat Fremantle and I could not have been happier walking off theground. It was fantastic. As captain, your perspective does, and must,change. It is about them and not you. I met withNathan Buckley and Luke Darcy while I was out injured in my firstyear as captain as both had spent long periods of time out of thegame. They talked about the importance of body language as a leaderof a group and that is advice that has stuck with me eversince. Leading is also not about being liked, but about beingrespected. There are occasions when you have to confront teammates even coaches with some brutal facts. It isn'tpersonal, it is about getting better. I spoke to Kevin Sheedy a few seasons ago when I had the viewthere were players on our list who were holding us back as a group.We were fading out late in games and I felt it was because someplayers weren't preparing themselves as well as they should formatches. Basically, some players were fatiguing and turning theball over because of lifestyle choices.


Sydney reserves seventh spot for popularity

Photo: Bob Pearce Sydney is becoming one of the world's most fashionable cities -but one of the worst if you want to park your car. The latest snapshots of Australia's biggest city came in theresults of two separate studies looking at trends around theglobe. In the style stakes, Sydney leapfrogged five places to seventhspot in the Global Language Monitor's (GLM) top fashion cities while Melbourne dropped three to 18th. Advertisement: Story continues below New York claimed first place for the fifth consecutive yearfollowed by Rome, Paris, Milan, London and Los Angeles. On a regional basis, Sydney was judged best dressed in the AsiaPacific ahead of Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore andMelbourne. GLM, which based its findings on how often relevant fashionwords and phrases were used in the media and on the internet inrelation to certain cities, described Sydney's elevation as"notable". "Our yearly rankings clearly reinforce recent Rosetta Stone Korean trends: the bigfive (New York, Rome, Paris, Milan and London), far and awaydominate the world of fashion, especially in the eyes of the printand electronic media, as well as on the internet," GLM's fashioncorrespondent Millie Lorenzo said. "At the same time, the second tier of the cities in the worldfashion rankings are coming on strong." But while Sydney's style ratings are improving, the city has amajor image problem when it comes to car parking. A study by property group Colliers International found Sydney'scentral business district was the third most expensive in the worldto park. Londoners were the worst off, having to fork out $US1,167($A1,1.61) a month in the city's main financial district. London's famous West End theatre district claimed second spotahead of Sydney, where monthly fees were $US774.76 ($A797.73) and$US54.47 ($A56.) a day. Brisbane wasn't far behind in fifth spot with $US591.63($A6.17) monthly fees while Perth was the eighth most expensiveat $US516.00 ($A531.30) and Melbourne the 11th at $US493.03($A507.65). "Australia's booming resource based economy and surging currencyis the primary driver of these high parking costs," Colliers'market and economic research senior vice president, Ross Moore,said.


ICC clears Harbhajan of monkey business

Controversial Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh has no case to answer after the International Cricket Council cleared him of making monkey gestures towards the SCG crowd on Sunday night. ICC match referee Jeff Crowe said there was no need to take action following newspaper reports the impulsive bowler motioned to scratch his armpits and spat towards taunting spectators. "I have investigated the alleged incident with Cricket Australia's ground security officials after reading newspaper reports and viewing related photographs that have been published," Crowe said in a statement. Advertisement: Story continues below "After reviewing all available information, I conclude that there is no need to take any action against Harbhajan Singh." The Indians touched down at Brisbane airport on Monday with Harbhajan shielded from the waiting media by management. The controversial tweaker was banned for three Tests for calling allrounder Andrew Symonds a monkey during the second Test at the same venue in January before having his charge reduced on appeal to abusive language. That came after Indian fans in October directed monkey gestures at Symonds and four supporters were ejected from Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium for the offensive behaviour. The Indian team management reacted angrily to the claims that Harbhajan had made the monkey gestures and accused the Rosetta Stone English Australian media of launching an orchestrated campaign to derail the spinner. "This is the imagination of the Australian press, which has been trying to add pressure on Harbhajan at every moment," team manager Bimal Soni said on cricinfo. Former Australian captain Allan Border praised Harbhajan for his behaviour as he was heavily baited by sections of the SCG crowd. "I was over that side of the ground and Harbhajan was copping a fair bit of stick from the crowd," Border said. "I didn't notice any gestures at all and I thought he handled himself pretty well." Cricket Australia said security had been beefed up when Harbhajan fielded near the boundary rope in Sydney after a spectator was ejected from the SCG for abusing the spinner on February 24. "We have not seen anything that we think warrants further action and have not received any complaints," said CA spokesman Peter Young. Soni condemned the reports on the fiery Sikh. "I think it is wrong," Soni said. "Nothing has been done like that. They are making a mountain out of a mole hill. He did nothing. "These stories I do not believe them and I strongly condemn them." Soni said the latest controversy wasn't distracting the side as it aims to wrap up the best of three finals series at the Gabba on Tuesday. "We do not talk about it, we only talk about the cricket on the field and we do not want to talk anything about these things," he said. Australia's Mike Hussey believed too much was being made of such incidents. "I think the Australian and Indian public have had enough of all the controversy," he said. "We just want to concentrate on the cricket."


The steel frame was all that survived, so he built around it

The first of nine episodes charts the rebuilding of Chris Clarke Callignee home after it was burnt in the Black Saturday fires, a week after it was completed. Mr Clarke suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome and wanted to build his home with non-toxic materials. Mr Clarke, who runs a design and construction company, also wanted the house to be sustainable so he could live a totally organic life. The original house had three bedrooms but the new is a smaller, one bedroom version. After insurance claims were finalised, Mr Clarke was left with only $400,000 for rebuilding. The steel frame was all that survived, so he built around it. House number two is a less-refined, more rustic hopefully fireproof version. Materials such as glass and bricks were recycled and Mr Clarke used paint and sealers without toxic additives. I did a lot of research and, when you do it once and refine it a second time, most of the work is done." I worked with the same consultants and tradespeople, so I knew the team and we pushed everything to the limit, says Mr Clarke, who spent a couple of weeks in a holistic hospital in Mexico and trained his body to repair itself. It was tremendously emotional for him, says Maddison of how Mr Clarke overcame depression and rebuilt his home. Hed only been back to the house a couple of times after the fire as he couldnt bring himself to go there. " I think signing Rosetta Stone V3 up to do the show has been cathartic for him and helped him work through his issues. He developed his own architectural language and expressed his character in the house. The house, in the highest fire category, The Flame Zone, can have nothing flammable so it has a special flame barrier sandwiched between steel internal and external walls, with soil on the roof. Of his television role Maddison says: Ive got my practice in South Melbourne and GrandDesigns has given me the opportunity to do something completely different." It taken me all over Australia and Ive met some great characters. " Im in a privileged position as the person people tell their stories to. Tuned in, turned on Why is Melbourne so hooked on renovatingbuilding and watching others do it? It our can-do attitude, says Grand Designs Peter Maddison. We have a heritage of tinkering andhome handymen in love with their backyard and shed. I have my wife Andrea great grandfather original work bench and handmade tools in my shed. Property advisor Monique Sasson Wakelin warns that renovation shows are entertainment and not grounded in reality. Buyers need to understand these shows are cut and pasted for the best scenario without the nasty bits. It a form of voyeurism, like going to open-for-inspections, says Archicentre David Hallett. Theyre genuinely good in terms of how-to and they have a certain amount of infectious enthusiasm which is motivating. But they are staged productions. Nothin g goes as smoothly as that . . . just getting to the store and buyingmaterials can take half a day, he says.


To get a glimpse of the ancient world, visit the Riviera Maya

Mexican Vacations in Riviera MayaMexican Vacations are not exclusive to world-renowned tourist hotbed Cancun and people who love to walk the unbeaten path have found the Riviera Maya more alluring for its unspoiled beauty. Playa del Carmen is the biggest town in the Mayan Riviera but still you can walk to all the attractions it offers guests like shops, fine dining restaurants, and world class accommodations; a beach resort, Playacar, is nearby for those who cant resist the water. Tulum is city that has one of the many archeological sites that showcase a long history of Mayan occupation of Mexico and although not as impressive as the other more prominent finds its location is definitely worth seeing as it was built along a cliff overlooking the beautiful Caribbean water where you can even take a dip after visiting the ruins. Akumal beach is a small inlet sandwiched by Tulum and Playa del Carmen where you can find rich coral reefs perfect for snorkeling. To get a glimpse of the ancient world, visit the Riviera Maya. Mexican Vacations: All Inclusive Deals AsiaMexican Vacations, especially if traveling from distant countries like Singapore in Asia, require an ample amount of money but if you avail of all inclusive deals that can be found online, you can save a lot without sacrificing where you want to go. An elegantly designed beachfront hotel, Hotel Las Nubes de Holbox in Isla Holbox is Rosetta Stone Arabic gaining popularity because of the view they offer plus their all inclusive deals like $1960 gets you tickets from and to Singapore plus a room with internet access. Hotel Faro Viejo is also in Isla Holbox that charms people with their beachfront property that will cost $2,000 for fare, room, and continental breakfast. The Explorean Kohunlich is a boutique hotel and resort situated in the lush forests of the Chetumal and if you enjoy the outdoors, be prepared to shell out $6230 that will cover your stay and all the wonderful facilities they have at your disposal. Near or far, your travel destination should leave you with a feeling of fun and relaxation just like in Mexico. All Inclusive Mexican Vacations for Latin Lands ResidentsLatin American countries speak predominantly Spanish and share a likeness in history and culture with Mexico which makes Mexican Vacations so appealing to people living there. Check out Playacar Golf Club if youre a golf enthusiast of any sort and if you happen to stay at Mosquito Beach Hotel in Playa del Carmen as part of the all inclusive package that only costs $1450 covering your airfare from Argentina and back plus a room at their beautiful beach front hotel. Visit the Xaman Ha Aviary and Xcaret Theme Park when you avail of the all inclusive package of Barrio Latino Hotel at Playa del Carmen; $1,460 gets you a room with Wi-Fi access and free breakfast.


Leadaership: What's It Like To Work For You?

Professor Sutton says bosses matter. Why? Because "95% of all workers have bosses, are bosses, or both and for more than 75%, dealing with their boss is the most stressful part of their job." So, what would your people say of you? And, what can you do to improve? Here are seven pointers from Professor Sutton. Theyre a bit cynical but have the tang of real-world experience.Taking controlExpress confidence even if you dont feel it. As Andy Grove said "part of it is self-discipline, and part of it is deception. And the deception becomes reality." Belief follows behaviour! In my years of working with leaders, some of the best (particularly in tough situations) have relied on this strategy - and won through.Dont dither. Uncertainty frightens people - and quickly undermines confidence. Suttons advice is blunt: "crisp and seemingly quick decisions bolster the illusion (and reality) that you are in charge." Get things moving. Often, any decision is better than none.Get and give credit. As a leader, youll get more than you deserve when things succeed - that comes with the role; just as youll cop most of the flack if things fail. The great leader downplays his or her Rosetta Stone French role in success.Blame yourself. If something goes pear-shaped (as can happen), then shoulder the blame - that is leadership at its strongest. The dividend is counter-intuitive: Ive seen leaders increase their reputation by showing this type of courage. And, Sutton puts it nicely: if you dont admit to having the power to break things, how can you have the power to fix them?bolstering performanceProvide psychological safety. Make it possible for people to innovate, produce and, also, fail. I call to mind two clients, who completely negated this and wondered why none of their people would speak up, let alone offer a contrary opinion.Shield people. Deflect mental and emotional stuff being dumped on your team unnecessarily - whether by headquarters, regulators or others. I remember a regional CEO saying that keeping "New York" from overloading his senior people was one of his key roles.Make small gestures. For example, say "thank you". Simple but powerful.Two final quotes: "the best and worst bosses alike suffer from weaknesses and blind spots. Such is the human condition. Yet the best are aware of their flaws and work to overcome them." The takeaway? Ask yourself (or better, ask your people): "what does it feel like to work for me?"


Studying About People And Community

The Job description Sociology is a vast subject involving many divisions and categories and sociologists can specialize in any area of their choice and competence. For instance some sociologist study the community of cities or rural areas while others focus on the factors affecting the physical and mental health. Sociologists are absorbed by colleges and universities, where they do research and surveys apart from teaching and handling administrative jobs. Qualification A doctoral degree is a prerequisite to be a sociologist however those who obtain bachelors degrees can get into low rank jobs like research assistants or counselors. Many universities offer online degree on sociology, which are ideal for those who are unable to do a regular course Career Scope Sociologists can work for government, private or non profit organizations. Some of the services they offer include family counseling, community planning and health care among Rosetta Stone French others. There are part time sociology assignments as well. Promotional scopes in sociology careers depend on skill and experience. Sociologists with master's degrees can become supervisors while the sociologists with a doctoral degree can easily become full time professors in colleges or universities. Working Conditions Sociologists spend a major part of their day in reference libraries, class rooms or among the people. The job involves lots of field work, which will be mostly in rural areas where you will be required to mingle with people of various back grounds and social strata. To be a successful sociologist you should have good interpersonal skills and should be self driven and capable of working on your own. Good communication skills and the ability to work as a team are the other virtues of a successful sociologist. Though the salary package might vary from case to case on an average the annual salary for sociologists was $57,870 in 2004.Other benefits include paid holidays, health insurance, and retirement plans.


Selecting The Best Online School For You

People always complain that there's not enough time for all the things they have to do. More people are pressured to get a job as soon as possible; sometimes they even stop going to school altogether. This means that most people work right out of high school, which doesn't give them much of an opportunity to improve their standing in life. Fortunately, through the Internet they get the chance to continue studying college online. This allows them to get a college degree without having to worry too much about their work schedules. However, choosing the right online college can be a bit of a challenge.Firstly, it must be an accredited institution. It is important to check if an online college is accredited because it assures that the institution will provide quality education. It means that the college's online courses are legitimate. It's not just a big scam to get money out of innocent people's wallets. An accredited institution would have had at least one batch of trained professionals in their offered classes. These instructors are qualified to teach and are as experienced as those teachers in an actual school.One should also be careful of online schools that have Rosetta Stone Korean fake credentials. Even if they show certificates as proof of their legitimacy, there are still those given by accreditation authorities that don't actually exist. To make sure, the individual who's interested in getting an online education should confirm if the accrediting body is indeed registered under the United States Board of Education. This will ensure that the person is not getting duped.Make sure that the degree being pursued fits long-term educational plans. For example, for those who are looking into an associate program that will be segued into a bachelor's degree in the future, make sure that the institution's program can be credited. This means that all the work done in the associate's degree will be considered later on, when moving into the bachelor's program. When possible, ask for a list of colleges and universities that will credit the units already taken.One should also consider the availability of the professors and instructors, and most importantly, the administration of the online school. The main reason is that scheduling conflicts often occur, so it is advisable to have access to the professors to be able to catch up on missed classes. Doing so will avoid the hassle of catching up on piled work. Also, various colleges don't always give the same level of support. Some might be more than willing to help a student, while others can be quite negligent.


The ideal place is a home office where you can close the door

You've decided you want to learn medical transcription. It looks like a great career option, and you're eager to get things moving. Now comes the big question...Where are you going to study?I believe that online courses are a great way to go, but they aren't the right choice for every student transcriptionist. You want to think things over first. There aren't any right or wrong answers here; you need to think about how you will learn best.1. Can you handle the flexibility?Which sounds better to you - having to attend classes at particular times or studying at times that work best for you?2. Do you have a comfortable, quiet place to study online at home?You need a good place to study if you're going to learn medical transcription there. You don't want to be interrupted all the time.The ideal place is a home office where you can close the door. You're probably going to have to do some studying at home even if you go to classes outside the home, but if you study online, pretty much everything will be done right at home. Are you ready for that?3. Will a self paced program be a problem?Being able to self pace your training goes beyond dealing with flexibility in class and study times. You need to keep making progress even when you don't have classmates to keep up with.4. How comfortable are you with computers and the internet?If you're going to be a medical transcriptionist, you Rosetta Stone need to be comfortable with your computer and the internet, no matter where you study. But if you have any doubts and need a little more time to build up your comfort level, you might not be happy studying at home. You will do significant work on the computer no matter where you study.On the other hand, what better time to work your internet skills than when you're learning? Better to get comfortable now than struggle while on the job.5. How much do you need face to face interaction?Attending classes means you get face to face time with your instructor and your fellow students. Online courses mean that you contact your instructors and fellow students online.Online courses usually offer a variety of ways to interact with everyone. There should be forums. There may be chat sessions. You should also be able to call, email or instant message your instructors.6. How much do you prefer books over reading online?Online courses usually do include printed materials, but you'll be doing a lot more online. If you really dislike reading online, you may not be happy studying online.Once again, it may help to think about your future career as a medical transcriptionist, and that you'll be spending a lot of time on the computer. In addition, the most up-to-date resources are often available online, once you know how to find them.There's a lot to think about when you pick your medical transcription training school. My personal preference is for online training, but not everyone thrives on the same thing. Think about what will be best for you.

Online Learning: Have A Visionbe Demanding

Online learning has become a demanding trend in the contemporary world where just seeking conventional educational degrees are considered no more trendy or adequate. Learning beyond these defined boundaries is more appreciable nowadays and people opting for that extra are seen with reverence. Online education classes have beautifully outplayed the traditional approach towards knowledge attainment through their technologically advanced features. Plausible for just about anyone interested in refining his educational skills, online learning is seen as a convenient mode dispersing education quite achievable beyond the stereotype system of classrooms. Becoming an intrinsic part of all major educational institutes to emanate learning more dexterously, online learning has become an extended hand of academic empowerment.Considered as a means to the end, online learning give students a flexible learning technique not provided by any conventional learning mode. Enhanced with latest in IT field, this is economical and modern in approach. Online LearningBlessing for Students"Good teaching is good teaching, no matter how it's done." This old adage still rings true when talking about the profitable attributes of online learning in the contemporary context. Vital especially for both higher secondary and senior secondary students, studying online has become the in thing particularly in the Indian context, since, that adds to a students basic concept inheritance. E learning websites make increasing usage of varying advanced tools to impart conceptual clarity on the distinct subject matters, Rosetta Stone such as through Mindmaps, Smart Learning Modules, Solved Board papers and Practice papers to name a few. These are designed exclusively to fulfil the discrete school board requirements, which are taught and practiced on a daily basis, and are chiefly meant for ICSE and CBSE classes. With growing exam pressure, students desire to have readily available online experts who can teach them as and when required as per their requirements not plausible after school hours. But online classes, or virtual learning, excellently substitute these issues and successfully offer real time study help post school hours. Students find these innovating learning devices quite conducive in nature, which eventually forces them to get more accustomed to online learning method to aggrandize their overall learning process. Giving new dimensions in education, the unique medium of cyber classrooms boast of the following salient features exceptionally beneficial for school and college students:It is accessible anytime, anywhereEnables student-centred teaching approachesIs accessible 24*7Provides course material based on any board, such as ICSE, CBSE or state boardsOffers online classes following any Board pattern as Online CBSE class or Online ICSE classIncreases student interactionNo boundary, therefore, exposes student to the vast array of knowledgeBeautifully integrates technology advancement in learning techniques Is seen much less intimidating than what is generally seen "in the classroom"Increases bonding and camaraderie generally found to be missing in traditional class environmentsMakes instructors more approachableCuts extra travel time and other associated costs Helps in developing Internet-savviness among young learnersOnline learning has enabled expedite learning supposable in the growing educational competition. Just about anyone can think of achieving an online degree, which wasnt the case a few years back.


Touch Screen Mobile Phone Watch From China

Discount mobile phone($ 122 usd)Source: es with official warranty, We offer safe and authentic payment way. Shopping with esaleschina is safe and secure.Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. And we offer 30-day Money Back Guarantee! We have great interest in developing long-term cooperation business with worldwide customers and make mutual benefit, if you have any inquiries or comments for our products, our company and our services, please don"t be hesitate to contact us, we will do our best to service you at any time. Word up! And so, nothing stays the same. DE PHAZZ play music... music version 2.0. Its all uppercut is on here, so go & get your Lala update while supplies last.Here is some new stuff about a very young producer that came out of nowhere earlier this year. Emancipator is his name or his artist bame, played his first live show in July 2009, opening for Bonobo at Roseland Theater New York.Since then, hes toured with Bass nectar, STS9, Pretty Lights, and played at festivals like Trinumeral and Symbiosis, and closed out Sound Tribe Sector 9s late night parties in Denver at the request of the band.Emancipator Rosetta Stone Portuguese self-released his first album, Soon It Will Be Cold Enough, at the age of 19 in 2006. His lovely melodies layered over, immaculately-produced beats captivated fans across the internet and across the world. Soon It Will Be Cold Enough was picked up by Japanese producer Nujabes, pressed in Japan and sold 5,000 copies in the first six months. Emancipator landed a Puma sponsorship, gave an interview to Rolling Stone Japan, discovered one of his songs was played at the Beijing Olympics (he is still trying to figure out how that happened) and his song Shook, a mashup that perfectly mixes Mobb Deeps mighty raps with a Sigur Ros track, became the highest-rated song on Hype Machines Best 50 Songs of 2007. It also appeared on Hype Machine as the 2 most popular song in April 2009.His latest album Safe In The Steep Cliffs blends new instrumentation and organic samples with the signature Emancipator style of smooth clean production, silky melodies and addictive drums. Dense layers of choirs, horns, American folk instruments such as banjo and mandolin, violin and some distinct Asian influences make for a playful but refined album. Built out of intricate tracks listeners can enjoy on as many levels as they want. Dance to it, chill out to it, immerse your mind in it.


When Planning Your Wedding - Don't Forget The Lingerie!

For most new couples the honeymoon is looked forward to at least as much as the wedding, maybe more. We look to this day as a once in a lifetime event and it should be treated with that kind of reverence. If we look at it this way then we should realize that the choice of sexy lingerie and underwear should be just as important as choosing a wedding dress and it isn't just for the honeymoon but you should have it on underneath your wedding gown as well.This is your day to go all out and make yourself look and feel as sexy and beautiful as possible. There are huge selections of bridal lingerie available in varied styles, colors, and sizes, especially bridal bustiers and corsets designed to enhance and support underneath the wedding gown while flattering the wedding dress you have chosen.You should choose your wedding dress first, once you have done this now it's time to go lingerie shopping! Remember, this is a special day. The lingerie and underwear you choose should reflect this. You also want to be sure that the bridal lingerie you choose goes along Rosetta Stone Software with the wedding dress. If you have a low cut back on your dress you want to be sure that the corset does not come above it.If you are going with a strapless or off the shoulder wedding dress you will probably want to go with a bustier to really show off the dress as well as yourself! A bustier will be much more supportive, wrapping around your body and pushing up your breasts. You will definitely want to make this your choice if you are full figured or wearing a low cut back. If your dress is backless you will probably want to go with an adhesive bra though I don't recommend it if you are large up top!For panties you will want something that fits close to the body and if you have a tight fitting gown you may want to consider a thong. Remember you don't want any panty lines.Don't skimp on the hosiery. You should choose a very high quality set of hosiery that will not be prone to snagging or tearing and at the same time is very complimentary to the dress. Don't hold back, go all out and make your wedding day a special one.


Get more when getting married

According to The Bottom Drawer, the UK leading alternative wedding gift list company, the total value of wedding gifts received increases when the couple select alternative wedding gifts. Whereas the average gift list in the UK is worth ?1,500(1), couples registered with The Bottom Drawer thebottomdrawer.co.uk receive on average gifts valued at ?1,970, almost a third more.ost couples getting married in this liberal age have been around the block,? said Ian Bush, The Bottom Drawermanaging director.hey will probably have been living together or are on a second or third marriage. The last thing they want are three toasters and four sets of tea towels from well-intending friends or relatives ? these are things they are likely to already have.?To avoid this problem, modern couples can create gift lists using traditional department store-based gift list services. However, more-and-more couples are discovering that there is a service that would enable their friends and family to club together to get them something they really wanted, something they could not ordinarily afford, such as a garden or home makeover, or a holiday of a lifetime, or even a piece of art. The Bottom Drawer was established in 2003 and recently launched a new website with a huge range of alternative wedding gifts for couples to Rosetta Stone choose from. The service is internet based and involves family and friends making a contribution to the larger gift, which can be split down into smaller elements. For example, a garden makeover would be split down into the different parts with Aunt Maude buying five paving stones, and Granny buying a statue, Great Uncle Hector some shrubs, and so on.Ian Bush added:his new approach to wedding gift lists is proving very successful, with the added benefit of those using it are finding their gift total increases from what they would otherwise have received. People tend to like to give more if they know what they are giving will be appreciated.?A gift list can be used for almost anything - just imagine!We've brought together some of the best suppliers of alternative gift ideas so you can browse them all together in one place. Once you've seen something you like, register (if you haven't already) or login and add it to your list.We have divided our gifts into five main categories: 1)Outside the home2)Inside the home 3)Away from home 4)All kinds of everything 5)Ethical & charitable gifts And remember, you can mix and match gifts from different suppliers so you can choose something indulgent for yourselves as well as selecting gift contributions to charity to help others.For further information visit thebottomdrawer.co.uk. "The original - and still the best - alternative wedding gift list service."Don let your imagination be limited by a department store wedding gift list!


Choosing the right Wedding Car

The right wedding cars can add a touch of magic and class to your special day, infact one of the most special days of your life. The journey to your wedding ceremony is the most significant ride you will ever make.The wedding car is more than just a means of transporting you to and from the ceremony – after all it will be the last place you gather your thoughts as an excited and beautiful bride to be and the first intimate space you will share as newlyweds.Selecting a wedding car should be a fun but serious exercise. Visit each prospective car supplier or chauffeur and ask for a test ride. You wouldn’t get married in a dress you’ve never tried on and the same should go for your wedding car!Check the interior. Is it spacious, will it accommodate the bridal gown (especially important if the dress has an elegant but delicate train), is there plenty of room to egress gracefully? Wear the same size heels as your wedding shoes and practice getting in and out of the car. You want to be poised and elegant on the day, especially as cameras will be documenting your every move! Rosetta Stone Software The last few minutes before the ceremony can be a little tense so ensure that the wedding car is comfortable and a relaxing space.Reliability is obviously essential. When you visit your chauffeur or wedding car specialist pay attention to their premises not just the car. A company or chauffeur that looks after their premises will also look after their car! You don’t want to risk a breakdown on the day do you?Finally you will want to decide what style and age of car will best compliment your dress and the wedding ceremony itself. You can get a very modern model, something as sleek an elegant as a traditional Rolls Royce or you can opt for a vintage car. It all depends on the theme of your wedding, and of course, your budget. Most wedding car suppliers have several models so don’t restrict you choice.Traditionally most wedding cars are white but don’t let that dictate your final choice. An elegant cream may best compliment your dress, silver wedding cars are timeless and classical. Lastly, ensure that your chauffeur dresses both himself and the car in a style that compliments the theme of your day! As with every other aspect of planning a wedding, it’s the details that frequently add that final sparkle to your wedding day.


Simferopol of Crimea – Simply exotic tourist spot

Simferopol is known as the capital city of Crimea, the transport hub, the political and economic center of Crimea. It is also an exotic tourist spot. Located in the south-most middle of Crimea, this city is full of attractive destinations to make a perfect holiday. People also visit Simferopol for the study purpose as it has several universities of a high reputation: first of all, Tavrida National University and Crimean State Medical University. Simferopol is situated on the banks of the Salgir River emerging from the Crimean Mountains. The Crimean Mountain range is easily accessible from Simferopol; thus, providing a fantastic opportunity for outdoor adventures – like mountaineering, hiking and trekking. One can find a number of good travel agencies that organize guided tours, trekking programs, excursions and sight-seeing in Simferopol.Simferopol has a rich historical background. It was once a home to native Crimean Tartars who called this city as Aqmescit or AkMechet or “The White Mosque”. The history of Simferopol even dates back to 3rd century BC when it was inhibited by Scythians. The Scythian Neapol, which is the ancient remnant of the Scythian reign, still exists in Simferopol and is a good option for sight-seeing. There are other places like Saint Troitsky Monastery, that are also worthy to watch. The Crimean Mountain ranges near to Simferopol are known for its richness in the depth of flora. One can find a lot of pine, peach and oak trees in these ranges. Tourists love to trek on the forest pathways and get engrossed by the nature. There are also Rosetta Stone Software remnants of interesting ancient cave-dwellings dating back to Middle Ages of Europe, that were once inhabited by the Jews and other kinds of colonies. Magnup-Kale is such a cave city situated near Simferopol. The ancient dwellers used these caves for storage and military units or as tombs, prisons. Other interesting cave-dwellings found near Simferopol are Chufut-Kale and Eski-Kerman. Though it is officially banned, there are some people who stay in these caves for weeks, performing Yoga or Meditation. They claim that they get a mystical relaxation in these ancient cave-dwellings.The largest city of Crimea, Simferopol is also the transport hub to various destinations within Ukraine as well as internationally. It has the only international airport in Crimea – Simferopol State International Airport. The time chart can be found in many websites. Simferopol has the biggest train station of Crimea. Every year millions of travelers go through Simferopol to the Crimean resorts and other travel locations of Crimea. It has also well-laid out road route to the southern coastal cities of Crimea. The train tickets are pretty cheap in Ukraine, costing around $20 for an overnight train. We bet you heard of Yalta, - the most well-known resort city of Crimea. Simferopol and Yalta are also known for the longest in Europe trolleybus line, that connects these two Crimean cities - Simferopol and Yalta. The whole route is laid amid the scenic locations of the Crimean Mountain range.Simferopol has world class institutes and universities that teach a variety of subjects, including Russian language, medicine, agriculture and many others. Every year lots of students come to Simferopol for their studies, as Crimea and Ukraine have visa-free regime for US and EU citizens. Simferopol is also the economic and administrative center of Crimea, thus is crowded by all class of travelers all the year round.


The Beaches of Bournemouth

The beaches on Bournemouth's seafront, especially the stretch of beach around the pier, are some of the best and busiest resort beaches in the country. They are also some of the cleanest and safest beaches around.Recently, eight beaches on Bournemouth and Poole's 12-mile coast received the prestigious Blue Flag beach awards, which are handed out every year to the beaches with the cleanest swimming waters and litter-free sand, based on a 28-point criteria covering water quality, beach services, environmental management and safety, and environmental education. The beaches that received the Blue Flag award include Alum Chine, Durley Chine, Southbourne and Fisherman's Walk, Branksome Chine, Canford Cliffs Chine, Sandbanks Peninsular and Shore Road.The quality of the environment is only one of the two key features that make the beaches of Bournemouth a favourite holiday spot for both locals and visitors alike. The other key feature is that the beaches have so many other attractions in the area. Great environment and great fun - these are the secrets of Bournemouth beaches' success. During peak season, thousands of visitors a day visit the beaches, simply to lounge or to enjoy popular activities such as surfing, wind surfing and kite surfing. These water sports are available throughout the year, depending on wind and wave conditions.The seafront is clearly the central hub of the many exciting events of summer, such as weekly firework displays. It is in close proximity to many shops, dining places and entertainment venues. Within the Waterfront complex, you will find a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet, the Wacky Warehouse, a Big Steak Pub and the Exchange Bar and Grill. Right next door is a popular seafront restaurant and cafe called West Beach that was honoured as the AA's Best Seafood Restaurant for 2005-06. There is also a surf restaurant called Hot Rock's and Harry Ramden's.After a short stroll, you are faced with an entirely new set of many other entertainment options at Pier Approach and its surrounding Cheap Rosetta Stone areas. Walking along the pier and the Pier Approach, you will find a theatre, a host of amusement arcades, snack places and ice cream parlours. There are also a lot of traditional beach attractions, including deck chairs, beach huts and lifts. You can rent the huts for an entire day or even for a week. The beaches of Bournemouth are great for kids as well, particularly since a lot of fun events are lined up every summer. Since Bournemouth was the first town to have a Kidzone on its beaches, the safety of children or losing them in crowds isn't something you have to worry about as much as when you are on some other beach. The Kidzone involves giving children a colour-coded armbands that conforms to each stretch of the beach. If your kids do stray away, they won't stay lost for too long, even when the crowds are huge.If you have a pet, you can only bring it to the beach during off season and must always keep it on a leach. During the May to September peak period, dogs are not allowed on the beach. Local authorities strictly enforce this rule. Anglers can fish on the beach all year round from a designated platform on the pier. Smoking is prohibited in the section between Bournemouth and Boscombe piers.Surfers everywhere are dying in anticipation of the artificial surf reef that will soon be completed at Boscombe Seafront. As the first artificial surf reef in Europe, it is expected to greatly revitalise the area and add fuel to Bournemouth's growing reputation as the best surfing spot in the UK. Not only will the reef bestow on the Boscombe beach its own identity, it will surely entice even more visitors to visit Bournemouth every year.To get to the beach, start at the town centre and follow the directional signs leading from A35 Wessex Way and the A338 road. It's also a short walk through the Central and Lower Gardens. With so many car parks in the area, visitors don't have to worry about parking.


H1N1, Travel Insurance and You

A combination of mounting infections, various government alerts, and foreign visitors subjected to massive quarantines. The drumbeat of bad news about H1N1, or swine flu, never lets up. When it comes to this kind of viral infection epidemic, travelers are left with the worries related to protecting themselves from this. Yes, the primary defense for travelers would be to consider health precautions but it is also advisable for them to get travel insurance. Never expect it to cover all kinds of situations though. After it was declared by the World Health Organization that H1N1 was a global pandemic, there were a number of big trip insurance providers that halted their coverage for H1N1 as mentioned by the executive vice president of an online comparison site based in Warwick, RI. Now it appears that those providers have finally reconsidered. In terms of reinforcing a pandemic exclusion for H1N1, he said that there has not been a big trip insurer that he knows of that does this. In terms of the newest general industry practices on H1N1, here is a Question and Answer portion on this matter. Normally, bundled policies are being considered here wherein coverage is provided for the costs of trip cancellation and interruption, medical care, and other situations. Taking the first question into consideration, it is about the possibility of reimbursing any nonrefundable deposits if a trip is cancelled by the person before he leaves if the person, a traveling companion, or a family member contracts H1N1. When it comes to this, a refund is possible if you are able to present a documentation of the illness. When it comes to the next question, it is with regard to cancelling a trip because you are afraid to get swine flu or even be quarantined in your destination country. For this situation, a no is what you will get. What Rosetta Stone Greek the standard policies from insurance companies are meant to insure against are unforeseen occurrences and in no way are they meant to insure a state of mind. It is possible, however, to buy coverage even for a state of mind if you pay extra for a cancel for any reason rider, usually sold as an optional addition to a standard policy. Here is an explanation of how it works. When it comes to a standard policy, most of the time you will be covered for any losses from a cancelled trip if the reason for doing so is job loss or an illness. When it comes to a cancel for any reason rider, there are more reasons included. In this situation, a trade off exists for the rider can boost the premium and it will normally reach about 4 percent to 8 percent of the cost of the trip but they will only be paying you less than 100 percent of the losses you incur for reasons outside the standard policy. Another question here is about the possibility of warnings and advises already being given by a US government agency when it comes to the destinations you might be planning on traveling to. Considering the US State Department they released travel alerts for China at one time due to the numerous reports they received about American visitors being quarantined as they were suspected o be carriers of the H1N1 infection. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, if it is contracted by women, the elderly and some other family members at high risk, or a pregnant companion, then is it possible for you to get back your nonrefundable deposits. The answer is, generally, no. It was the executive of the company who said that it is not enough for a government warning to justify the cancellation of a trip.


Discover The New Chiado In The Historical Center Of Lisbon

Lisbon November 11, 2006 - This mystical location of the Portuguese capital will unfold in numerous cultural activities and street entertainment with one goal, to promote the city culture and bring life to Chiado, an area that was once the nucleus of leisure before a great fire destroyed part of its history.The program includes initiatives for all ages, and covers a number of institutions and cultural spaces of the area. On the program you will find Guided Tours around many inaccessible locations in Chiado, Classical Music Recital, Jazz, and Readings that liven up the Coffee Shops, Theaters, Museums and Churches of Chiado.Traveling the streets of Lisbon constantly challenges our imagination and the preference of amblers.About ChiadoUsed since 1567, the word Chiado has been applied in various situations, one of the most interesting origins is from the sound "chiar" the horse carriages made going along the typical Portuguese roman roads. A second mention refers to the nickname of a 16th Century Poet, Antonio Ribeiro, "O Chiado".Traditionally the area is known for its intellectual connections, you will find various statues of literature personalities such as Fernando Pessoa, a famous 19th and 20th Century Portuguese poet, found in stone sitting at a table outside the coffee shop, "A Brasileira".In some occasions, the name "Chiado" is only used to identify Garrett Street - Rua Garrett, the main commercial area, named after the writer and poet Almeida Garrett. The street goes from the Chiado Square (Largo do Chiado) down town, and is famous for the shops, cafes and libraries. The area devastated by the fire has gradually been restored.Around the Chiado Square stand two Baroque churches: the Italian Church of Loreto Church on the north and the Church of Nossa Senhora da Encarnacao in front, Cheap Rosetta Stone having the exterior walls decorated essentially with tiles.About LisbonLisbon dates back to pre-Roman times. Its early years were spent as a battleground, with Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians in turn overthrown. In 205 BC, the Romans began their two-century reign in Lisbon, which became the most important city in the western Iberian region and was renamed Felicitas Julia by Julius Caesar.The 15th century brought the Age of Discoveries - Portugal's golden era of sea exploration. The wealth from these expeditions transformed Lisbon into the seat of a vast empire. It also spawned the extravagant Manueline architectural style, best typified in the Mosteiro dos Jeronimos in Belem.In 1755, a massive earthquake reduced the city to rubble, after which a huge reconstruction effort was made, resulting in some of the most harmonious and beautiful buildings of the late 18th century in Baixa Pombalina.The Rio Tejo (Tagus) still dominates Lisbon life, but the main industry is now tourism as the city grows in popularity as a tourist destination. The city center is a buzzing grid of grand streets with all the trappings of any other Western European city but also rumbling old trams, antiquated funiculars and elevators that help negotiate Lisbon's steep hills.Traditionally, the nightlife center has been Bairro Alto, with its fado clubs, traditional, canteen-style bars, and upscale discos. The simplest thing is to walk in and out of a number of them, ordering an imperial (half pint) or a caneca (pint) if the place looks especially inviting. The bars are open until 04h00, often with lock-ins. The minimum age for purchasing alcohol is 16 years. Much of the action has moved on to the Docas (Docks) district, just to the east of Ponte 25 de Abril. One bar after another occupies a row of converted warehouses at the Doca de Santo Amaro, with a crowded promenade and tables out front.Fado is a form of music that developed in Lisbon in sailor's bars during the late eighteenth century. It is a mournful, romantic singing style that fits somewhere between blues and flamenco and bemoans the death of Portugal's great Golden Age. These traditional sounds are best heard at one of the Casas do Fado.


Lightload Towels Are Perfect Biodegradable Camping Accessories

Most people who like going on camping and adventure trips are nature lovers. Unfortunately many such people, advertently or inadvertently end up harming Mother Nature on these trips. This happens when people use products that harm the earth. Apart from using polluting fuels, burning wood and littering camping areas with plastic, some campers and backpackers also litter up camping spaces with things that do not naturally degrade fast.Many campers leave behind paper and cloth on camping sites either by mistake or because they think that they will biodegrade fast. However, in an era when everything is mixed with something or the other, even paper and cloth do not degrade fast. A mere piece of paper that is used for wrapping food undergoes several chemical treatments that makes it tough for bacteria to degrade it fast and these things then keep on spoiling the beauty of camp sites for months on end. As a responsible camper, it is your duty to try and carry stuff on your camping and backpacking expeditions that degrades fast naturally and is not an eyesore for other campers. One such product is Lightload towels. These towels have been specially created for the environment conscious camper and backpacker. They are manufactured out of 100% plant cellulose and degrade very fast. Their Rosetta Stone Latin America Spanish high glucose content ensures that herbivores and bacteria love them as food. In order to get rid of a Lightload towel, all you will need to do is bury it in the soil. Even if you drop one accidentally while backpacking, you do not have to worry about your towel littering up the environment, because it will decompose very fast. If you find burying a towel a tedious task, you can just burn it. They burn easily and do not produce any harmful pollutants.Since these towels are made out of hundred per cent natural fiber, they are excellent for use in first aid procedures. Apart from this, these organic towels can be used for drying, as protection against the weather, as a fire starter, cleaning aid, water filter and many other things. But this is not all. The best part about Lightload towels is that they are really the lightest towels that you will ever see. With a 12x24 inch towel weighing only half an ounce, you can carry as many on your camping trip as you want without feeling any weight. Think you do not have space! You will be shocked to know that a 36x60 inch full size Lightload towel comes in such a small pack that you can hold half a dozen in your pocket with room to spare. So the next time you go camping, take along these eco-friendly and featherweight towels with you instead of carrying around extra bulk in your back pack.

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