
The steel frame was all that survived, so he built around it

The first of nine episodes charts the rebuilding of Chris Clarke Callignee home after it was burnt in the Black Saturday fires, a week after it was completed. Mr Clarke suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome and wanted to build his home with non-toxic materials. Mr Clarke, who runs a design and construction company, also wanted the house to be sustainable so he could live a totally organic life. The original house had three bedrooms but the new is a smaller, one bedroom version. After insurance claims were finalised, Mr Clarke was left with only $400,000 for rebuilding. The steel frame was all that survived, so he built around it. House number two is a less-refined, more rustic hopefully fireproof version. Materials such as glass and bricks were recycled and Mr Clarke used paint and sealers without toxic additives. I did a lot of research and, when you do it once and refine it a second time, most of the work is done." I worked with the same consultants and tradespeople, so I knew the team and we pushed everything to the limit, says Mr Clarke, who spent a couple of weeks in a holistic hospital in Mexico and trained his body to repair itself. It was tremendously emotional for him, says Maddison of how Mr Clarke overcame depression and rebuilt his home. Hed only been back to the house a couple of times after the fire as he couldnt bring himself to go there. " I think signing Rosetta Stone V3 up to do the show has been cathartic for him and helped him work through his issues. He developed his own architectural language and expressed his character in the house. The house, in the highest fire category, The Flame Zone, can have nothing flammable so it has a special flame barrier sandwiched between steel internal and external walls, with soil on the roof. Of his television role Maddison says: Ive got my practice in South Melbourne and GrandDesigns has given me the opportunity to do something completely different." It taken me all over Australia and Ive met some great characters. " Im in a privileged position as the person people tell their stories to. Tuned in, turned on Why is Melbourne so hooked on renovatingbuilding and watching others do it? It our can-do attitude, says Grand Designs Peter Maddison. We have a heritage of tinkering andhome handymen in love with their backyard and shed. I have my wife Andrea great grandfather original work bench and handmade tools in my shed. Property advisor Monique Sasson Wakelin warns that renovation shows are entertainment and not grounded in reality. Buyers need to understand these shows are cut and pasted for the best scenario without the nasty bits. It a form of voyeurism, like going to open-for-inspections, says Archicentre David Hallett. Theyre genuinely good in terms of how-to and they have a certain amount of infectious enthusiasm which is motivating. But they are staged productions. Nothin g goes as smoothly as that . . . just getting to the store and buyingmaterials can take half a day, he says.

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