
The ideal place is a home office where you can close the door

You've decided you want to learn medical transcription. It looks like a great career option, and you're eager to get things moving. Now comes the big question...Where are you going to study?I believe that online courses are a great way to go, but they aren't the right choice for every student transcriptionist. You want to think things over first. There aren't any right or wrong answers here; you need to think about how you will learn best.1. Can you handle the flexibility?Which sounds better to you - having to attend classes at particular times or studying at times that work best for you?2. Do you have a comfortable, quiet place to study online at home?You need a good place to study if you're going to learn medical transcription there. You don't want to be interrupted all the time.The ideal place is a home office where you can close the door. You're probably going to have to do some studying at home even if you go to classes outside the home, but if you study online, pretty much everything will be done right at home. Are you ready for that?3. Will a self paced program be a problem?Being able to self pace your training goes beyond dealing with flexibility in class and study times. You need to keep making progress even when you don't have classmates to keep up with.4. How comfortable are you with computers and the internet?If you're going to be a medical transcriptionist, you Rosetta Stone need to be comfortable with your computer and the internet, no matter where you study. But if you have any doubts and need a little more time to build up your comfort level, you might not be happy studying at home. You will do significant work on the computer no matter where you study.On the other hand, what better time to work your internet skills than when you're learning? Better to get comfortable now than struggle while on the job.5. How much do you need face to face interaction?Attending classes means you get face to face time with your instructor and your fellow students. Online courses mean that you contact your instructors and fellow students online.Online courses usually offer a variety of ways to interact with everyone. There should be forums. There may be chat sessions. You should also be able to call, email or instant message your instructors.6. How much do you prefer books over reading online?Online courses usually do include printed materials, but you'll be doing a lot more online. If you really dislike reading online, you may not be happy studying online.Once again, it may help to think about your future career as a medical transcriptionist, and that you'll be spending a lot of time on the computer. In addition, the most up-to-date resources are often available online, once you know how to find them.There's a lot to think about when you pick your medical transcription training school. My personal preference is for online training, but not everyone thrives on the same thing. Think about what will be best for you.

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