
I met that chick by the way, years later

The two-plus hour-long set included a suite of songs from Ghosts I-IV that tested Cheap Rosetta Stone the patience of some, but the pieces were luminous, with their mood heightened by a stylized image of dead trees looming behind the band.Sundays news was the cancellation of N.E.R.D.s set, but the angst-free lineup led to a chill crowd. They were patient with Panic at the Disco, who were fun when they played the self-consciously clever dance rock of A Fever You Cant Sweat Out and conventional when they played the more classic pop from the recent Pretty. Odd. They had election fever as well, as Ryan Ross announced that the band was voting for the first time in this election.R.E.M. closed the festival with the most overtly political show of the weekend. Michael Stipe announced, "We hate the Bush Administration" and "We also really hated the Reagan Administration, too" in song introductions. Theirs was also the most New Orleans-oriented set by a headliner, going back to Murmur for "West of the Fields," which Stipe explained was inspired by spending a week living on the streets of New Orleans.After a set-closing "Its the End of the World as We Rosetta Stone V3 Know (And I Feel Fine)," R.E.M. came back for 20-minute encore that included "The One I Love," "Driver 8," "7 Chinese Brothers" and "Man on the Moon." During it, Stipe asked, "Who wants to end the first decade of the 21st Century with hope and change and joy?" as the Obama Change image flashed on the video screen. When the crowd erupted, he bounced onstage. "Fuckin awesome!" I think the first time I ever really saw how that clicked was when the "Paradise City" video came out. Theres this couple in Guns n Roses T-shirts somewhere in the first 10 rows. Theres a closeup of them making out, just a quick shot, and that hit a nerve with me cause that took me back to when I used to be putting my hand up some girls shirt in the heat of the rock concert. I met that chick by the way, years later. But lately its Rosetta Stone Spain Spanish just been a lot of people talking about certain moments that theyve had listening to a particular song or whatever. But I can relate to it, I know exactly what theyre talking about because all those things you go through in life as a teenager, usually to the background music of some great band that youre into. Its very important, the rock roll colorizing of the whole thing you start looking at peoples experiences like that.What was the best concert where you put your hand up a girls shirt? David Bowie. Bill Kreutzmann Pauwela Cannery, Maui, Hawaii Grateful Dead drummer Bill Kreutzmann will be ringing in the New Year long after most of us have passed out drunk in an glamorous Hawaiian time zone! Kreutzmann will be joined by slide guitarist Papa Mali and members of Bonnie Raitt and Willie Nelsons bands, along with a phalanx of exotic dancers who promise to help shimmy into 2009. Meanwhile, if you cant make it to the island, Kreutzmanns fellow Dead duders Phil Lesh and Bob Weir will be doing New Years Eve sets in the jammy birthing Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 ground of San Francisco.

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