
They dont know any better

We were giving away Macintoshes to higher ed while we wereselling them for a nice profit Rosetta Stone to corporate America. So it takes both.Whats going to fuel the object revolution is not the consumer.The consumer is not going to see the benefits until after business seesthem and we begin to get this stuff into volume. Because unfortunately,people are not rebelling against Microsoft. They dont know any better.Theyre not sitting around thinking that they have a giant problem thatneeds to be solved whereas corporations are. The PC market has doneless and less to serve their growing needs. They have a giant need, andthey know it. We dont have to spend money educating them about theproblem they know they have a problem. Theres a giant vacuum suckingus in there, and theres a lot of money in there to fuel the developmentof this object industry. And everyone will benefit from thatI visited Xerox PARC in Rosetta Stone V3 1979, when I was at Apple. That visitsbeen written about it was a very important visit. I remember beingshown their rudimentary graphical-user interface. It was incomplete,some of it wasnt even right, but the germ of the idea was there. Andwithin 10 minutes, it was so obvious that every computer would work thisway someday. You knew it with every bone in your body. Now, you couldargue about the number of years it would take, you could argue about whothe winners and losers in terms of companies in the industry might be,but I dont think rational people could argue that every computer wouldwork this way someday.I feel the same way about objects, with every bone in my body.All software will be written using this object technology someday. Noquestion about it. You can argue about how many years its going totake, Rosetta Stone German you can argue who the winners and losers are going to be in termsof the companies in this industry, but I dont think a rational personcan argue that all software will not be built this way.Would you explain, in simple terms, exactly whatobject-oriented software is? Objects are like people. Theyre living, breathing things that haveknowledge inside them about how to do things and have memory inside themso they can remember things. And rather than interacting with them at avery low level, you interact with them at a very high level ofabstraction, like were doing right here.Heres an example: If Im your laundry object, you can give meyour dirty clothes and send me a message that says, "Can you get myclothes laundered, please." I happen to know where the best laundryplace in San Francisco is. And I speak English Cheap Rosetta Stone V3, and I have dollars in mypockets.

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