
Mastodon Go Intergalactic With Trippy Oblivion Video

Mastodon have unveiled the video for Crack the Skyes opening track "Oblivion," and as Rosetta Stone Spanish youd expect from a loose concept album about a paraplegic and Russian czar Rasputin facing off against Satan in outer space the Roboshobo-directed video is similarly out there, with the members of Mastodon one by one leaving the safe confines of their spaceship to rescue their marooned bandmates.This is the second video within the last month (following The-DreamKanye Wests "Walkin On the Moon") to go spacey, and "Oblivion" likewise makes plenty of use of green screens and interstellar clichs. It seems like the band went to great lengths to make spaces weightlessness in the video seem real, yet while the band is floating around, their long hair and beards have somehow found a pocket of gravity that keeps them in check. Still, since theres no guarantee the clip will get played anywhere on TV other than Headbangers Ball, its great to see a band put so much effort and budget into a clip even if it does borrow a bit from the scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey when the HAL-controlled robot arms kill the astronaut.So where do Mastodon get all their crazy ideas? "It comes Cheap Rosetta Stone Software from taking too much acid," guitarist Brett Hinds recently admitted to Rosetta Stone. The bands Brann Dailor and Troy Sanders recently stopped by the RS offices to talk about, of all things, tripping acid, but also about opening for Metallica and leading sing-alongs in Dave Grohls bathroom. Instead of getting my hair spiked, I get a tape-up every five days. When you have short, thick Sicilian hair like me, you cant style it, so a tape-up is when they just fade the sides down here in the back and shape you up in the front. I cant go out without a haircut, like how Pauly cant go out without his hair spiked.During that first season while you were living there and filming, did it feel interesting to you?Its funny, sometimes wed sit in there and say, "This is boring." We could never comprehend what the mass audience was going to see about the show we were just living our life. Once in a while youd picture, "Am I going to have fans?"Did you expect it was going to be so funny after you finished shooting?No, not funny at all, we were just being ourselves, and the things that we dont laugh about, America laughs at.Theres got to be some element of "sometimes people are laughing at us rather than with us."You see Snooki and her big hair and tan, and you just laugh at it right away: Shes funny. But, if you watch the show Rosetta Stone French V3, I feel like people really got to know our real personalities, and they stopped laughing at us.

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